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Everything posted by chrisp

  1. Not sure how these sites work but if this message gets thru Chris's family want to thank everyone for their messages and condolences. His funeral will be 2.00pm at Trentham Methodist church, Old Barleston Road, Trentham (opp. golf club) and all are welcome. Ta.
  2. Looks good mate
  3. sorry voted sf, meant sa can you adjust when counting
  4. I deleted the group as it wasnt being used, we need to think of a better solution and easier to use
  5. it was an emailing list newsgroup, all you had to do was reply to one email address and everyone on the list got a copy. the beauty was all the emails were saved on line so you could go in and look at old ones for reference, you could turn it off so it didnt fill up your mailbox and you could read online, you copuld opt for one digest email a day with them all in , it was also by member only so non public, oh and free shame really
  6. secret project photos sent to you nigel
  7. great stuff rob
  8. they look cool pictures (literally)
  9. Good savings those if you are looking for a PPP By the way the WRX PPP is £1600 fitted and vat inclusive not £1695. (see subaru.co.uk website)
  10. Sorry folks theres a good chance I wont be able to make it. I would rather say now and let someone else go than cancel at the last minute. Can you take me off the list Bob, please Cheers ChrisP
  11. You really need to let Phil Stephens know (sidc chairman) as he will add you to the list
  12. Got a family birthday party Saturday night which will go onto the small hours (they usually do). So I guess I wont be in any condition on Sunday morning, thats why I havent replied. Plus trying to finding a co-driver who will get up at 8am on Sunday morning is difficult. Its a shame as it like treasure hunts.
  13. So whats the idea ? Are we scrapping cad-sidc.co.uk or do you want me to upgrade it to include this or is LittleH doing it ?
  14. yep stick me down Bob but we will have to arrange where to meet up as its quicker for me to go almost there
  15. Sorry guys wont be there on Sunday. See you all in October
  16. seem to be okay down here, people filling up normally today. Yesterday was a bit OTT and a few garages restricted amounts you could buy so I was told.
  17. chrisp


    Sorry to here that Andy, but as Bob said I wouldnt claim it costs you in the long run for a "relatively" small cost. A good bodyshop should have it looking as good as new in no time.
  18. LOL 0255 for me, must have just be behind you
  19. maybe we could show up in numbers to welcome them as a new dealer
  20. wasnt the north west car show last weekend as it clashed with tatton ? or is this another one ?
  21. I have got the sidc stand at my house at the moment, thinking of having a meet in my back garden
  22. << No problem Nige. Thanks for sorting out my dents! God knows where they came from! You should have done a demonstration and handed out cards! Ayde says are you bringing your kit to the next meet? LOL! This weekend gave us three new CADS Ayde, Mark & Alex...........welcome to the mad house. >> I said to Craig as we were about to sit down and hide in the shade behind your car, dont touch Bobs car his only just had a dent taken out.
  23. << 40,000 miles >> mine has just turned 13,000miles but they have been a good 13,000miles, the last 2000miles at over 300bhp Yes run it in, I know it boring done two scoobs from new
  24. Nice one Bob bit far for me and dont need any at the moment but worth remembering.
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