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GTB Limited

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Everything posted by GTB Limited

  1. Automotive Mercenary. So thats nuts 'n' bolts and the dark art of vehicle electrics Mark
  2. The Guru has spoken Just like to add something regarding 'piston slap'. Don't panic!, unless the noise doesn't go away after the engine/oil has warmed up. Another way to check, is oil consumption, if it's not using any, there's no point in an immediate re-build/short engine, it could continue to run quite happily for years. Mark
  3. Just thought I'd let you peeps know. Now gotta a job contracting..... Coventry So I'll be low in attendance this summer, hope to get to some meets/events. Se ya Mark
  4. Mines red, so who were you flashing at?
  5. I won't hold me breath Cloaking on Mark
  6. Signing in. '98 Silver GTB Limited. Complete with cloaking device Wainscott Mark
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