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GTB Limited

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Everything posted by GTB Limited

  1. Ahhhh, that acounts for the hair (wrap over) aswell Busy there last night, nightmare getting in (tunnel probs).
  2. << Cheers m8le, I work up there, so she is parked there a lot and available for occasional visits >> That'll be some dodgy clothing shop then
  3. Great night out, well done Pele for organising it Nice pics Ian. Shame there was none of you as 'vinylman' Mark & Lesley
  4. Q-dog, It adjusts the torque bias, front & rear. Starts at 50/50, then you can adjust the torque more towards the rear, i.e. 80/20. HTH Mark
  5. Should also provide for some entertaining dancing Video cameras at the ready
  6. Everyone 'lashed' before they eat
  7. Silver non-classic scoob, with grey/graphic graphis all over it. Medway city est, going round the roundabout, towards Gillingham, at about 4:30pm. Wearing a white baseball cap. I was on the outside in a red Pug. Mark
  8. Thanks for the offers. Don't need to move the pc till after crimbo, so I'll be on the scounge then. May have to go wirless, as the cable has to go right round the house, which probably means 30m+ And a bit of drilling Mark
  9. Cheers, Another item to the 'build a new system list' Mark
  10. Anybody work for them? Need my Broadband move/extended, gonna probably involve lots of cable Mark
  11. Got a garage with a pit. Give us a ring Mark
  12. JK clocked in Maidstone, at about 3pm yesterday. Once more the Leggy slips quietly by Mark
  13. Superb Just had a look at the times, looks like ITV are showing every day, tonight at 23.35. Eurosport have also shifted. keep checking daily. Mark
  14. Times are as: Eurosport Friday 21.30 Saturday 21.30 Sunday 21.15 Always check daily with Eurosport, they have a tendency to move the schedule. They also normally re-run the previous night at about 10/11 am the following day. ITV Sunday 15.00 (speed sunday) HTH Mark
  15. Being that all of us aren't going this year. I thought we could have a little bit of fun. Coverage of the rally will be on ITV and Eurosport. So lets play I-spy, 'The Guru' and his backing singers, 'The Gurettes' Mark
  16. Blue STI Pepper hill road works, this evening at about 5:30 (inside lane)
  17. Cheesy, 1/5th is to easy, try 1/12th scale with contact Mark
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