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Everything posted by Pele

  1. Firstly make sure all your mods are listed with your insurance! We had the same problem where I live - I have an RA with a 3" system which is very loud and the Tony had a TSL Firestorm which was almost as loud. Now neither of us used to start up our cars before 8.30am and very rarely came home after 6, never sat there idling just used to go straight away then take it easy. Next thing we know is that we have a petition signed by most of the 98 residents of the flats opposite for us to get rid of our cars! It quoted that we were sitting out there at 3am with the engines running, wheelspinning and racing up and down the road. I went and had a word with the caretaker and told her the residents need to get their eyes and ears tested as the cars making all that noise were in fact a Corsa and an Astra with boy racer drivers who had mates in the flats and thought that every stop and start was a race hence all the revving and wheelspinning, and the only thing Japanese on the cars were the HKS stickers!!! Well we haven't heard anything since and the only way the police can impound your car is if it is blatantly illegal in any way, you owe money on it lol or you refuse to let them take a look at it when they ask. You should ivite Shiralee around with hers as it's almost as loud as mine was lol then they will have something to complain about
  2. If you read all of that post you will see I have stepped down or would you all rather I started another thread saying this just so it's totally clear to everyone?
  3. I got a nice type RA sitting here doing nothing lol. Unfortunately the head gasket has gone so I got a repair bill to look forward too.
  4. Ahh right, I don't think this is do able as the WRX and the sport have different compression ratios, plus if you use the sport pistons they tend to turn chocolate as they are cast. There are some engines on scoobynet at the mo at reasonable prices tho.
  5. Pele


    Brilliant thanks The meet will be fine, won't be trying to sort them out until that weekend
  6. Well the sport engine does not have a turbo for starters and having driven one I'd say you would be better off keeping the WRX engine. As for it coping with the extra BHP, surely it's the engine that produces the BHP and as a newage sport is around 126BHP and your Import WRX around 280BHP, so it wouldn't be producing any more BHP than it did if it was in the newage shell, apart fro you might accelerate a little quicker as the classic body is a bit lighter than the newage. You would also have to change the ECU, and perhaps even the diffs and gearbox as I'm not sure if the newage and classic are the same - What is the reason for you doing the swap? Import engines came with more power over the UK cars anyway and are usually made with stronger components too. I'm sure someone else will come along with a different view lol, but IMHO I'd keep the WRX engine and tune that up with an Apexi, decat and front mount....
  7. set of rear disks for a bug eye, as soon as possible
  8. I have the same problem with mine, and I've had quotes from £2500 for a total rebuilt with forged internals to around £800 for just replacing the head gaskets. I'm toying with the idea of doing it myself once I've sourced all the bits I need....
  9. Pics of KentScoobies at the very first Kent Modded Show
  10. When Matt first did the stickers they did cost £10 to produce as he didn't bulk order the sticky stuff. However when he knew that he would be getting more orders he brought more therefore bringing the price down, after which I told everyone to go direct to Matt to order them.
  11. Blimey I'm quite choked, I only just saw this I'm glad I made you feel welcome, I always tried to make everyone feel welcome, although sometimes I missed a few I did try.
  12. If I have upset anyone, then I a sorry but I’ve bitten my lip and stayed quiet far too long and just had to let it all out. When you have given over 6 years of commitment to a club to then be treated as I have in the last year it sort of boils over. I have tried to word this a bit better as being diplomatic is not my strong point somethimes.... In response to everyone, Baser - I could have guessed you would be the first to reply. All the points above were made because that is what I have done in order to run KentScoobies, and that is the level of commitment I was willing to give until people started questioning everything I did. I would quite happily give this commitment again, but from the lack of support for me on here I don’t think I’m wanted around here. I didn’t know I was co-Regional Organiser, when did that happen? Eureka - yes I am stepping down, there is no point me trying to continue with little support from the club members when I try and organise anything. I cannot continue to try and make things work within the club if I am not wanted there in the first place can I? There is only so much pushing one person can take and I’m afraid the last year or so of contant sniping and comments directed at me have pushed me that bit too far, so I’m going to just be a member and turn up when and where I want without it being questioned. I believe this is the right thing to do and I really can’t see anyone arguing with me to step back up can you? Scooby Hoo - I have NEVER EVER run KentScoobies as a profit making club, and I really resent you making that remark. When I started the club I paid for everything, including deposits for t-shirts, shows and days out - and never asked members to contribute to anything for the club displays. I did this because I could at the time. When I ran into financial difficulties and had to start asking for money for things upfront this is when things within the club began to go wrong. I have never made any money from it, in fact KentScoobies probably owes me money, not that I would ever have taken anything for doing something which I enjoyed. IF I wanted to take money from the club would I not have opened up the KentScoobies bank account in my own name, rather than suggesting that you, Big Jay and I opened one up together? As for KentScoobies.com, yes Dean did pay the subscription up to date last year and from then I have been trying to get it linked back up to the forums. I have made countless phone calls and e-mails (and I still have these if anyone wants to see them) to the provider asking why I cannot access the account to link it to the SIDC forum. I have been through to so many different departments I’m sure I must have spoken to everyone in that particular company and I have now been told that it was sold not once but twice. I am waiting for confirmation of exactly when this happened as if it was before Dean payed the subscription up to date for me then hopefully he will be able to recover the charges back. When I took over the running of the club 6 years ago I was just left to get on and organise everything, which I was quite happy to do as I had the time. Members didn’t want to have to organise things themselves, they just wanted to have it sorted for them and turn up on the day at the allocated places. That is how they came to call me KentScoobies Bossy Boots, and I was quite happy to boss them about if that was what they wanted. It’s very difficult to go from doing everything to being told that members now wanted to do things themselves, you find yourself a bit of a spare part. I will still come along to meets, as to me KentScoobies has been like my extended family, its just a shame that with everyone wanting different things my time at the forefront has had to come to an end. My years starting and running this club have brought me some of the best times and memories and many good friends have been made. The last year or so has been one of the worst. I’ve not been able to do much due to ill health both for me and the car, hopefully when we both get our respective operations we can do what we like best get back out on the track and down the strip....
  13. 1. Granby 2. PR08RAD 3. Shep 4. M@tt 5. Shiralee 6. Yogi 7. Pele
  14. Lol it's silver and the original bonnet fron Tony's first scooby He sold the other bonnet when he was doing the front end conversion on the bugeye, then changed his mind and left it on my drive for months without a bonnet - then my head gasket went so we needed a quick fix for it so I had something to drive around in.... that's the short version
  15. Thank you all for coming along for the last KentScoobies meet of the year Was nice to get to meet Mikkers and BrianD - thanks for the advice Brian and Mikkers, yes I'll have those rear disks from you please Have a good Xmas everyone and stay safe!!!
  16. Congratulations to you both and welcome to the world Harry
  17. It's nice to see your modding already lol
  18. I know it's a bit close the Xmas but some people still like to come along This months meet is at The Wharf from 7.30 onwards, everybody is most welcome to come along Make sure you wrap up nice and warm as it can get a bit cold when your outside talking, wouldn't want you all ill over Xmas and New Year Look forward to seeing you there....
  19. Well I won't be along tonight I'm afraid, I've hurt my hip and I can't sit down or stand up, let alone drive lol and doc has ordered total rest for a couple of days and keep it warm, which I can't see it being tonight Have a good night and be nice to the newbies!!!!
  20. Item no 290273285230 on fleabay works out just over £100...
  21. Water pump can squeak when it's got a leak, usually the seals, perhaps you might check it just in case?
  22. I usually go for Toyo t1r but last time tyre change came round I didn't have the £400 needed lol so I had a look around and got Nankang Ultra Sport, £50 each including fitting and balancing. They perform the same as the Toyo, good grip in both wet and dry - in fact better grip in some cases than the Toyo, so I'm happy with them and will get them again when needed.
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