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Posts posted by Pele

  1. how could anyone not forgive them,,,,,,,

    i think you can tell by the pic's the one who who did it (samson)........ :(

    lovely dogs by the way,

    Well it was both of them jumped in lol but Rubie was by far the muddiest as she likes to go throught the mud lol and shes lower to the ground so she picks it up on her tummy lol by the time we got back she had been sitting on Samson so he was covered lol

    But it is very hard to be cross with them lol

  2. As it has been wet and I wanted to take the pups out, I thought I'd cover the back seat up, so off to Argos, got a waterproof seat cover - it was too small lol. Had to improvise so a single fitted sheet fitted nicely, that was until the pups got in lol, this is the result after an hours muddy walk in Shorne country park lol


    And here are the two offenders lol

    Samson and Rubie


    Samson looking very innocent lol


    Rubie is always innocent, honest lol


    And one of Samson and Jake lol


  3. just makin sure that if it does go again the garage have no excuses!! just got a bad feeling feel like ive got worse luch to come. i hope to go to this meet cumin up! it hasent changed much since u last saw it in the dark gaz lol i wann get 555 graphics done in black

    That is classic head gasket failure symptoms - I'd want more than their balls on a plate!!! and don't let them tell you it's something that you didn't have fixed last time, that's just a way to get more money out of you B)

  4. ...to keep an eye out for any of your neighbours who can't get about B) If you are going out anyway to the shops it helps them if you get their shopping too - you only have to ask and they are so grateful that someone wants to help :wizard: It's what I've been doing most of today, and although I'm tired now it's made me feel as if I've actually done something good :crying:

  5. had a nice little play in the car park at work this morning B) crop circles or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:

    Didn't have so much fun trying to get home tonight from my mums lol :wizard: I park at the back which is a steep alley and it's just taken me 45 minutes, a lot of shovelling and sand to get one wheel to grip enough to get the momentum to get up the alley - I was going to go down the alley but as there is a brick wall over the road at the end I thought I'd rather not risk it with my little one in the car lol :crying: And to think today I've helped 2 people get up steep roads by towing them up lol, then the bloody thing won't make it up an alley :crying:

  6. i had great fun in private car park last night, its great to see how your car can perform

    in the snow & ice as long as youve got plenty of open space so you cant do no damage

    :) do it while you can because it wont last :D

    Nothing lasts, something or someone always screws it up ;) I'm just having as much fun as I can B)

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