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Everything posted by EVOLUTION666

  1. i have 3 subaru drivers shirts in large male. 1 subaru Jacket in large male 1 subaru bag all never been worn, anyone want them? can you pm me offers, id like to sell all together, but will split if anough people are interested. pictures: sorry for the shit pictures
  2. its been a bit of a joke lol getting off is equally as bad, im going home for a long weekend on the 22nd, got told no space left, then got told it was a fortune , its mancatraz lol got sorted in the end for £170 return with the car, not all that bad really.
  3. Hi andy Yup, they certainly are a friendly bunch, already been out for a few blasts with a few and a few have bent over backwards to help sort my TT predicament out, you know who you are[] doesnt look like i will be back for the NBO this year, theres more than enough stuff out here for me to visit, besides, gettin the time off may prove to be a problem, think my plans if im still here will be heading for scoobyfest, sounds a blast does that. Jon
  4. Work is fantastic over here, think there going to have to kick me off the island to make me leave lol suns out so i might head for the hils, hill, or mountain lol quick blast, well, quickish, need to see how these bikers go on, so extra caution for now i think before it gets mad next week.
  5. finally managed to sneek on the net at work was good to put a few names to faces and had a good blast on the roads.... cheers for your help dave, much appreciated mate see you all soon jon
  6. Cheers for the numbers XDX about to set off so al catch you all laters []
  7. Sorry to hear bout your troubles, hope all gets sorted soon... as for the meet, hey, i dont even know where im going lol, so cheers for the numbers to those who have pm'd me and al speak and see you all later today im wrecked now, and still not packed, but its about time i headed to bed. laters peoples
  8. Cheers for the number guys please dont everyone turn out with spanking clean cars, i have to drive coast to coast tomorrow over the tops, im going to have a furry carpet of bugs on mine, and no way am i washing it twice in 2 days, not a chance. []
  9. sounds good already well i wont be cak at the accomidation till about 6.30 im guessing by the time i roll off the ferrl, sorry, drive off lol. so i guess i will be going back, dumping stuff of then heading for something to eat and a mooch. as stated before, no idea on net access so i will pm my mob number to anyone whos out in the morning, if you wouldnt mid, drop me a text and we can take it from there if thats ok with everyone... any excuse to go for a drive i say, put a few faces to names as well cheers for the replys Nix, thanks for that, the flat sounds good, will look into this further very soon, thanks for the info
  10. Cheers Nix, I touch goats on a slightly different note, anyone fandy a pint tomorrow evening [*-)] jon
  11. thanks and probs see you all soon like i say, keep an eye out for the lost white scoob lol
  12. PM read, thanks alot, some good info there and i think there both have everything i need, probs go for the latter, looks a canny buy. Probably what i will do is pop in and say hello and take it from there if you dont mine cheers jon
  13. MMM, al second the good to know. Erm, right, what im after is nowt flash really, decent memory 60GB and upwards, just enough to store my pics on, as i do tend to take alot. Need to be able to run a graphics package, probably GIMP2 (im a cheap skate lol) DVD writer and just WIFI, and possibly blootooth though its no important oh, and it needs a half decent battery life in it as im guessing till i sort a web n walk moblie contract out, i will be stuck using one of the 6 apparent WIFI hotspots aroung the isle of man dont think av specified anything to special there have i, so what kind of money am i looking at for that little lot. Not to fussed on weight so long as i dont need a trailer to carry it round with me cheers jon
  14. Right, just confirmed, 2pm is my travel time so am i right in thinking that this will get me there about 6pm? Im getting the address of the place im staying very soon (i hope, dont wanna have to bring a tent lol) so i guess i will be out exploring on the evening looking for that nice pub to sit an chill, slow lifes recent million miles an hour pace down to a near stop lol[]
  15. I will have to double check with the woman thats buying the tickets later today I will be coming in from Heysham on a PM crossing, she mentioed 2pm, but i didnt think there was one at that time, so im going to double check that. My stuff is all over the place right now and im desperatly trying to make sure i remeber everything lol This is all happening at a million miles an hour. All will be fine and dandy tommorow when im leavinf consett though
  16. excellent, cheers mate[]
  17. What juice is there on the island? is there a shell garage?
  18. Hi Nope, never been before mate, really looking forwards to it a few reasons really A, its like a big adventure lol, av not done contracting before so here goes... B, Im looking at taking up my sailing again, which i regretfully ditched in favour of an ex girlfriend C, The roads out there look great, and what seems to be plenty of my other love in life, plenty motorsport going on As for the laptop, probs will just get one delivered, im sure my parent would be able to help me out there, by that i mean pay for it lol, leaving present or summit[] so if you happend to be reading this..... As for a meet, well you may well find me driving round the place tomorrow looking rather lost lol Cheers jon
  19. Hi Once again thanks for the replys. Dont think its still sunk in that tomorrow al be there but what the hell. looks like im going to be on the aftenoon crossing from Heysham tomorrow. Choppy water isnt really an issue, ive probably sailed in worse at North Sheild in the dingy lol. so long as my car makes it ashore, al be happy. One thing though, dont think im going to be able to source a laptop while im over here still, are there places over there to sort me out or is it better taking a trip back to pick one up? cheers Jon
  20. that little story sounds so familiar maybe al never look back[]
  21. alright mate im living in consett at the moment. How did you end up living over there then
  22. Great stuff will do once im in and see how things go. I start wednesday and theres a good few hrs so it will probably be the weekend before im free to get out and about. Going to bring the camera and go for a good mooch about i think. so al post when i get the chance, Found an internet cafe so net access wont be a problem straight off keep a look out for me, not sure how many scoobs will be running round with UK plates on, but theres about to be 1 more regards jon
  23. Hi Mark Yeah, Douglas is where im working, and as for the accomidation, well, price isnt so much of an isue as i pay my own expenses and claim it all back against tax, so with in reason i guess. How long is the TT on for, is it a full week or just a long weekend weekend? Totally gutted about the RBS Manx, looked it up as soon as i got the word only to find it was yesterday and today[:'(] not to worry. Quite looking forwards to it now. Just need to sort out a laptop out so i can get online, somehow dont think there will be room in the room for a desktop lol cheers jon
  24. alright people any regular meets or out like that? jon[Y]
  25. Hi people Lokks like im moving again only this time its looking to be the isle of man[] Bit wierd, wont know anyone there so whats the place like for a daft lad of 25? Will be working for swagelok (sp) and up to now, its only short term, anyone here working for the same company? looking like i will be there tuesday evening by the sounds of it, got the ferry booked to get my motor over there too, one thing i am interested in, is where to stay, accomidation has been arranged but its bed only and £60 a week. Been told al need to shift when the TT is on so anyone know of good pubs, places to eat and so on, maybe a better place to stay? cheers for any of the replies and may well be seing some of you out and about very soon Jon
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