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Everything posted by EVOLUTION666

  1. Thanks for that cheers for the PM, i will reply a bit later on if you dont mind mate, im looking at locations around the area as we speak regards john
  2. Erm, first the seat light, and now seem to be following the shape of the new Leon lol http://autoimage.autoweb.cz/seat/leon.htm not sure how to post the links yet, sorry john
  3. i will know a definate day tomorrow, but its looking like i will move in time to start work monday morning, a week this monday.... scary stuff venturing out in the big wide world on my own lol, ive lead a very sheltered life it would appear lol john
  4. On a slightly different note, where is the nearest dealer and what are they like as in terms of service? Most of you may not know, but my car has come with its fair share of problems. 17 months old and its already had 3 engines down to very poor workmanship at my local dealer. It will be requiring major engine work soon i would imagine as the dam thing is still leaking out oil, so a good dealer will be needed to carry out the warranty work on the car, so im torn between getting it back to the origional clows and let them have another go, or to find another more competant outfit. cheers john
  5. Thanks i knew about knockhill and have just been told about crail. Seems to me like a reasonably central location to be in. Now looking forward to the move, hope to see a few of you out and about. What about local meets then, what goes on and where?? john
  6. They are also availavble from other car audio places, and they are roughly the same money, but, they will be in the black colour, so this time, its the stealership that seems not to be thieving our money lol Wise move Also, you may need the adaptor plug for the ISO connection at the rear, i fitted a Pioneers screen to mine and i needed the pioneer plug to connect it to the scooby loom, not sure if the dealer can supply these, but other car audio places can. Dont try Halfrauds 1st, they are mega exspensive, if you have a MAPLIN ELECTRONICS near you, make them your 1st port of call john
  7. Couldnt believe the price of it myself. Drove up from newcastle up the A68 to Abroath and past a few shell garages on the way. none of which were above the 95p mark from what i remember. Filled up in newcastle last week and it was 98p. Looks like a move up there will definatly provide more miles and smiles lol john
  8. Right, it would appear that i am set to make a treck even further north than my newcastle home. As a current TTS member, looks like im going to have to find myself a new club. Looking to move as my new job in Arbroath is looking immanent. So, my question is, what goes on in the Aberdeen and Dundee areas as fron what i can gather, im in the middle of the 2? Was up there friday and yesterday and didnt see many fellow scoobs floating around. This post goes on a bit so please bare with me And to another point, im in need of some help with local knowlage if any of you guys or gals can help. Need somewhere to live and im looking at rented housing to start with. My feeling of Arbroath was OK, bit it seem a little quiet TBH, me being a lively young 25 yr old. Stayed in Dundee for the night and it seemed a little bit more lively, more my scene. Can anyone shed any light on the areas where to be and the areas where not to be. Im presuming that the 2 citys are no different to any others on the face of the plannet in that they will have good and bad areas. Not looking for mega posh areas, but on the flip side of that, i do want to be able to sleep safe in the knowlage that when i get up, my pride and joy will still be outside. The type of accomadation im looking at is the small 1 to 2 bed flat, so more oftern than not, im looking at on street parking which concerns me, as at the moment, its currently locked up safe and sound in a garage. Whats the area like behind the Dundee football ground, looks to be good, prices are average and doesnt seem bad at all? Many thank for any help anyone can give, John
  9. Just to let you all know, Polished Bliss have now confirmed that they will be sponsoring Best CLASSIC Best NEWAGE They have also kindly donated some prizes for the NBO RAFFLE See the Site News for further details www.northernbigone.co.uk Cheers John
  10. Ok I have seen a little interest in camping for this years NBO. I have arranged a deal with a local site in Sleningford. Its a small site, which is prepared to take group bookings for the saturday night, providing everone behaves them selves. It looks to be a nice site, with the river Ure running through it, very popular with people partaking in outdoor activities. The Costs.... At the moment, they have 20 tent pitches available. 10 electric hook ups and 10 non electric. If there is a gazeebo that you want to put up on the night, its usualy £2 extra, part of the deal is that this is waved, MASSIVE SAVINGS all round Anyway, ELETRIC pitch is £15.00 per night STANDARD pitch is £13.00 per night. There will be a discount on this price, how much depends on the interest there is. Adittional info The site is under 5 miles from Lightwater Valley. There is a local PUB which is 1/2 a mile away There are clean shower and toilet blocks on site Small shop selling food and BEER They have a web page, so take a look if you fancy camping for the NBO http://www.ukparks.com/park_details_top.as...3D39%26page%3D2 Can all people thinking of camping, email me with specific details of the party please so that i can pass on the info to Sleningford direct Thanks John
  11. Right, as the title suggests, i need to know details of any convoys that are planned and are definatly goin ahead. Time, place and who will be leading them down if possible. I want to put all these details onto the website, thanks john
  12. hi mate, i have sibgles for sale, im in co durham would be happy to lend it to you, but it would cost. got the wheel with correct tyre your looking for, it would be £70 delivered by next day courier for you if its of any help. if not, i hope you get sorted soon john
  13. hi mate, i have sibgles for sale, im in co durham would be happy to lend it to you, but it would cost. got the wheel with correct tyre your looking for, it would be £70 delivered by next day courier for you if its of any help. if not, i hope you get sorted soon john
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