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Posts posted by wrxmania

  1. Forgetting the catholic/religious bit for a moment - he was a great world leader who fought for all religions in Poland during the years of Soviet rule. Communistic insistence on working for the good of the state and being atheist often made the life of religious people very difficult.

    Hopefully the next pope will have an even more far-reaching and multi-faith view of the world. We certainly need an open mind these days.

    Brian face-icon-small-wink.gif

  2. << You could always just change your centre for a magnex resonated one...or go and see C&C and get themn to whack in a centre box. >>

    Or even better, whack out a centre box if you still have one face-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-wink.gif

    Nah - C&C could quieten it down for you with a silencer which does not restrict the car much.

    Brian face-icon-small-wink.gif

  3. I have Pagid RS 4.2.1 pads with standard discs (plus Goodridge lines & Motul 5.1 fluid) on 4 pots. They have borne out very well and have put up with some abuse alright - plenty of pad left after around 8,000 miles so far - hardly any noise, limited brake dust and SO much better than the standard Subaru pads.

    A bit pricier than DS2500's - contact Alyn @ A S Performance for the totally best price and service.

    Brian face-icon-small-wink.gif

  4. (Voice of the Moderator of the General assembly of the Church of Scotland) "Ohhhh! Your goin straight to hell for that one!!!! Try this!!"

    Our Father, Whos in Port seton,

    halloed be thy maps,

    They torque will come, to crail as it does at Knockhill.

    Give us this day our daily tweek,

    and forgive us our debts, as we beg to those we live with,

    and lead us not into temperature changes, and deliveries from demon tweeks,

    For thy has the laptop the power lead and the sensors, forever,


    Callum - you're a genius Faithur!

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