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Posts posted by wrxmania

  1. I've copied this again in case you didn't see it - may save you some trouble:

    "One is due to be organised soon at Dastek by Spooks, Edinburgh/Lothians R.O. and his good lady Rose (complete with refreshments and other perks under the SIDC banner).

    I would give him a chance until he gets back from the states (shortly). That saves wasted effort when someone else has already done some leg work, under the club auspices.

    Brian "

  2. One is due to be organised soon at Dastek by Spooks, Edinburgh/Lothians R.O. and his good lady Rose (complete with refreshments and other perks under the SIDC banner).

    I would give him a chance until he gets back from the states (shortly). That saves wasted effort when someone else has already done some leg work, under the club auspices.

    Brian face-icon-small-wink.gif

  3. Never were not Andy - no comments are aimed at you or what you believe in - as I said I have no smart comments to make. If i have I more than add them in person, real time. I save all my smarmy remarks for real life face-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-wink.gif


    Brian face-icon-small-happy.gif

  4. Well said Andy.

    Welcome to new members - let's keep the club diverse and varied. People can freely choose which events to go to or stay away from.

    The forums should be factual, friendly and preferably car related.

    It's my birthday in 10 minutes face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

    Brian face-icon-small-wink.gif

  5. I think he's back in time for that event Matt. Don't think I am going to get a chance to get up to it anyway but I am sure if Scott does have them he would meet up with some one to pass them on - a wagon would be best as the poles are quite long.

    You are going about it the right way Matt so I can't see anyone having any issues with it. Another uproar is the last thing we want.

    Brian face-icon-small-wink.gif

  6. I can fully understand that Andy and I am no keyboard terrorist, I don't post aggressive remarks and have a fairly balanced view on it - I have no comments to make on the whole situation as the situation does not involve me - it's about personalities - which is a shame as I pay £29.99 for a drivers club not the specific people.

    I don't make smarmy remarks about "chavs", Max Power or whatever as each to their own and good luck to anyone who spends their time investing in cars, car clubs and motoring events instead of vandalising and selling drugs. I am sure we would all agree that some of the daft driving etc of some people leaves a lot to be desired and does nothing for the club, and I include Impreza drivers in this too.

    I regret the whole situation appearing on the foums - it could have been sorted out long ago. This is a drivers club, of which the forum is a part - it is not a web club and needs to have more respectability and longevity because of this - it needs to survive through it's paid up members and the support of all others who want to help out.

    Let's just get on with each other or get off the bus. face-icon-small-sad.gif

  7. << Ps . zeolite why dont you f*ck off to a thread that does interest you and stop making stupid comments about saxos chavs or anything else you dont like.We all Know your views and we are all fed up reading them . BORED BORED BORED now go wash your car ! >>

    That's probably a bit unfair - Ian was passing a comment on an event - not a personal comment.

    Comments like the above are EXACTLY what sparks half the hassle. I would bank on most people in the SIDC agreeing with Zeolite, whether they are right or wrong comments, they are an opinion not abuse face-icon-small-sad.gif

  8. It will die down, some people will move on and others will stay. This may be good or bad but that's life.

    Let's try to stick to what we are here for - cars and meeting people.

    We all have our opinions on cars, modifying, "chavs", RO's, whatever but we are all human, all different and all (hopefully) have a life other than the car.


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