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Everything posted by ryang

  1. hi, I'm in Perth but willing to travel to get the job done right. Thanks.
  2. I know this question has probably been done to death, but I'm looking for somewhere to refurbish my P1 anthracite wheels. I have seen some before that have turned out a right mess. Has anybody had or know any who has had any experince in getting this done? Thanks, Ryan
  3. had a great day today. Thanks to all who organised it. Especially thanks to Gumball who waited for me when I dissapeared to the chippy at one of the stops Forgot to take lunch! Ryan PS. the mad P1 wasnt me!
  4. sold within an hour thanks to the internet! Ryan
  5. I have a brand new sealed Blitz Boost Gauge in box. R115 52mm in Black I bought it back at Christmas and have never got round to fitting it and am contemplating selling the car so I am just going to sell it. Cost me £99. Sell for £65 http://www.scoobyworld.co.uk/trolleyed/31/ for picture. In Perth area. Ryan
  6. I have a brand new sealed HKS Circle Earth System for all classics (93-01). I bought it back at Christmas and have never got round to fitting it and am contemplating selling the car so I am just going to sell it. Cost me £109. Sell for £75 You can buy new now for $125 from the states I know, but youve got shipping + vat + 10% import duty on top. See http://www.hksusa.com/images_products/1507.jpg for picture. In Perth area. Ryan
  7. my toy :-) Ryan
  8. Also, if you get the code wrong 3 times, you will know by the led flashing continuosuly for several seconds the car wont let you enter another code for 30 mins. Then get it wrong again its even longer etc etc. Let us know how you get on.
  9. I find breakdown guys dont have a clue about cars. My P1 is doing this every second day to me, its driving me mad! To enter the code press first digit of code, wait for light to flash then stop, then second digit, wait for light to flash then stop and so on. This is when the alarm is going off. If the alarm isnt activated and you need to start the car you will have to do the above twice. When you first type the full code in the doors will lock and alarm will arm with you in it. Type the code in again and it will deactivate, doors open and you will have about 30 seconds to start the car or you will have to do the same again. Subaru have a fix for this apparantly which some people have wangled out of warranty and others have had to pay for. IMHO it should be free to every whether in warranty or not as it is obviously a design fault with the Sigma alarms. If I cant get mine done for free I'm going to get it removed and install a Clifford wiht built in turbo timer. Hope this helps. Ryan
  10. its the prodrive / alcon 330 ones and i dont think that there are any "compatible ones". Youve gotta buy OE
  11. no, been stupid enough to go on a few hot hatches before but I was feeling brave. Badly need to change discs but at £208+vat each it will have to wait until payday. Dont fancy doing knockhill with no brakes :-) Ryan
  12. I know its a hot hatch day but is anyone going? Ryan
  13. what is the airbox out of? I am after a std one for my p1 if you are selling it? thanks ryan
  14. This happened to my mate also. he never fell for it but decided to cash the cheque anyway. Thing is, the cheques do somehow clear and people then send the fraudster a ligitimate cheque back from their account for the different which will obviously clear. But when the bank realises whats happened (up to 6 weeks) with the fraudulant cheque, they can and will legally take the money back regardless wherether its in the account or not ie will overdraw you if necessary! With the end result poor sod will be out of pocket by however much theyve sent off. These people are not interested in the goods, just easy money. Interesting Fact - banks can legally bounce a cheque up to 6 weeks after it has cleared!!! Ryan
  15. www.arnoldsucks.com seems to get away with it
  16. Gordon, I can see where you are coming from. You pay a subscription to a club and feel you should be able to express your views. You are totally correct, you should be able to but unfortunately in this stupid world we live in, Subaru / T & C / Whoever could have their lawers on it and it will all fall back on the club not you. I appriciate that you are saying these are your views but the SIDC are publicising it. Maybe if something did happen regarding your comments (of which ive never seen) was to go to court for slanderous comments, they may be able to argue that they were your views, not theirs but lets be honest, who wants that hassle!! If you were in the sidcs shoes would you? I have had terrible dealing s with T & C also, probably same as you, having a Subaru at 20, but I express my views about them to people in public, not on BBS's. I hope you get everything sorted out. The SIDC will help you all they can but you cant expect them to put their ass on the line over one users problem with a company. Please note I am not having a go at you, just offering an outsiders point of view. Ryan
  17. Car recovered by police in one piece. Ryan
  18. are you sure this wasnt their demo car n865hsx? this is a different car.
  19. superb, this will be the new toys first play on track, was contemplating a "hot hatch" to get a fix but this will be much better :-) Ryan
  20. hi, i would definately be up for this also. let me know when.
  21. Hi, White Sti N592 HSX with red mug guards, will find out the numbers cant remember them. This was bought from Dicksons with dodgey cards. Have you seen this about or been offered any parts eg sti engine, gearbox etc? It will now show on HPI as stolen but for the past few weeks it would have been clear. Will post the full plate up tomorrow Edited to keep this at the top for 7 days
  22. cheers for the offer but im wee bit away from you (perth), i havent got the car yet anyway, dont want to turn up in a diesel golf! Ryan
  23. cheers for the welcomes, as above, does anyone know if there are any more planned track days this year? Is anyone on here going on saturday going to have an empty passenger seat for a few laps? Havent been on all year..... begs.... :-)
  24. thats me :-) done a deal with the p1 for a yellow r34 gts-t skyline. MISTAKE!!!! I wouldnt say I hated it but it just wasnt my cup of tea, only thing good about it was rwd. i found it slow, had a pit of play with a audi tt 225 once and got beaten! needless to say not long after that it went....... to make way for..... wait for it.... a golf tdi! had my shot of fuel economy but now back to fun with the petrol guzzing huge running cost p1 again :-) hows your buggy doing? whats it putting out now? Ryan
  25. Its been a long 7 months away from Subaru ownership. Gave in and bought another one which should get in couple of weeks. Ive never been registered on here or SN before. Always looked though and decided it was time to join. I know the last planned track day at knockhill is this Saturday but is there any talk of another this year? Cant wait to get back there! Ryan
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