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About steven_williams

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  1. until

    A good afternoon with decent people and good food. Look forward to the next meet. Work allowing I will be there.
  2. until

    Will have to see if the wife comes along aswell.
  3. until

    How many usually turn up?
  4. until

    Got the weekend off so should be there
  5. until

    Will see what I am working. Been a while since I have been to a Scooby meet.
  6. Steven Williams Bugeye STI (work dependant)
  7. If you look at my thread " A little bit of Scooby Porn" picture 4 shows the exhaust impeller and the wastegate. Hope this helps
  8. I have to do the driving up from Lincolnshire!! What better than a trip out to a rolling road shoot out, with the possible rain and cold. Along with the music of 20 cars being put through their paces on the rollers. What more can she want (when not in private ) I am thinking about doing a week tour so it won't just be upto Ellon and back. She might get lucky and go to Keith or Fockabers (only kidding Pete)
  9. She who must be obeyed would like to come back up North for a trip so might look at coming up in July maybe turn up at Ellon
  10. Need to get the numbers first Dave. But if I leave my nick the same atleast it will upset a few people who think it still runs 360.
  11. This is a bit stronger MAGNERS !!! Had one meet that I have been able to make so far, the guys and girl seem quite pleasent. Am just waiting to see what happens, there are not as many hills (if any) down here but atleast yopu can see what the road does ahead and it only takes me 2 to 3 hours to get to the missus
  12. After weeks of waiting my new turbo has arrived. All I need now is the injectors and the water injection kit. But to wet the appetite here are the pic's so far Hopefully with some work on the rollers this will give me a nice 450 bhp +/- a couple.
  13. I am sure it won't be long before the dump valve gets changed followed by the exhaust to emphasis the burble. Which would the mean a re-map so you might as well do the air filter maybe the turbo. ScoUK behave yourself. Is Pete jumping ship??
  14. Where have you been hiding Al? I am no longer at Lossie gopt my last tour in and got Coningsby a bit flatter than up there but a hell of a lot closer to home and the bird. My insurance went down to £620 this time but will be going up as I am looking at a new engine, 2.5 @ 500 bhp.
  15. Dave got to GT tyres in Nairn they sorted mine out after fitting the Tein flex suspension. When the units are fitted they have dropper links that can be used to get below the spoiler. I dont have the price I paid last, their phone number is 01309674161. The guys are enthusiastic and will talk you through what is needed and you get a before and after printout, showing the adjustments.
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