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Posts posted by dougster

  1. Grant I was making a sacastic point to others who do find it humorous.

    I agree it should be car related and have learned from mistakes made in the past.

    I have not always been a Moderator remember but Craig was determined to make my position look unsalvagable.

    Feel free to get your kicks in while I'm down people but this is the stuff that's dragging the club and forum down.

    I have my beliefs and apologise for airing them on the forums.

    Lets move on.

  2. Took you a while to find that one.

    I bet you feel mighty smug.

    I bet I wasn't moderating at the time.....

    As usual Dougster gets it in the neck........what a surprise.

    I'm off to try and get round the swear filter. NOW THAT would be fun....................................

  3. I asked for this to be left alone.

    Unfortunately in Scotland football discussion can lead to arguments hence my concerns of further football threads during the season.

    The World Cup stuff was all taken in a friendly manner.

    Any other queries regarding this please feel free to contact me via PM.

  4. Craig I know the season starts in three weeks but you will also remember I was never keen on ANY football threads on Scottish Scoobies.

    I feel there is a place for them but it's not on here.

    Some recent O/T content will be getting looked at also.

    Can we let this drop please as I don't want to have to start locking threads.


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