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Everything posted by dougster

  1. 13 confirmations on the SNet thread. C'mon guys we have room for 30!!
  2. blatant bump to the top. Get your cheque books out people, ask your friends, neighbours and colleagues!!! Great day out this!
  3. Stables Bar, Mortonhall(?) Camp Site. Get dropped off, dump the car whatever!! Good beer, good food, good company (although a couple of Weegies will be there!!) Sod the shopping, see you there!!
  4. Wasn't suggesting we went to the original, just pointing out the thread for general information. If we could get ten cars(or so) in each area going to the studios it would be quite cool if we could raise some cash and get our mugs on the telly. Last time I was on TV it was 'Crimewatch'!!!
  5. Scoobynet Run in aid of Children in Need Anyone showing any interest in a run in their area please contact me or a regional organiser for details. NOTHING has been arranged as yet and I will mail organisers to find if they are able to help. Good cause and a great way to raise profile!! Cheers.
  6. Come up with some suggestions. I'm in Glasgow but help with the organisation of the Ayrshire area at the minuite. May be able to make it down, but seem to be busy organising a holiday and Xmas looming.
  7. Dougster is out. Sportsmans dinner the night before and nothing that I had planned for the scoob has been done. Instead, I have oil and coolant squirting all over the engine bay!! Hopefully Santa can pick my parts up on his travels and have them with me for fitting next year!!
  8. Rocker cover gasket has gone. No Hyperflow induction as yet.(still on the boat from AUS) No catch tank (still on the boat from US) and more oil than the North Sea in the pipes. FCD in the drawer and totally p***ed off!!!! Still be running though!!
  9. Can he/you not stick his name on the list? Numbers will be confirmed nearer the time, as there may be last minuite call offs. There is always plenty of room for people watching what goes on.
  10. Working again!! Canny keep bringing my 'boys' along!!
  11. ALL WELCOME to come and watch and have a blether. Also lets you get to know the whearabouts and the setup at Star.
  12. It's that time of year again with karting events taking place all over the country. We have booked Cambuslang Scotkart for 12noon on Sunday the 30th November. Grand Prix event with space for up to 30 people, costing £41 each. Scotkart Post your interest here and I will confirm later this evening where to send deposit cheques and the possibility of going for a curry after the event. 1. Dougster
  13. Good man!! The more the merrier. The list will be confirmed nearer the time. 'Dodge' will not be happy you pinched her name!!
  14. Back to the top, in case people have not seen it. Willie, stacks of web sites for Fenwick Hotel when you search.
  15. http://www.scoobynet.co.uk/bbs/thread.asp?threadid=256833 Any thoughts for the cold season guys/girls? Thinking of the Fenwick Hotel on the A77. Nights are getting dark so it will be a MEET to discuss/plan any winter activities. A Wednesday night seems OK atm and I can have SIDC membership forms avaliable. 15th Oct from 6.30 onwards, Fenwick Hotel on the A77. You all know how to copy and paste don't you!! Please post interest on link above.
  16. Or even today!! Will go for a Glasgow pub meet on my own when I finish at 10.30pm tonight!!
  17. 1. Teknopete, "Big red" WRX 2. Dougster, White wagon 3. R6 CDW, Sti8 4. drb5, rb5. 5. JAC (or Jools!!) Sti7 Everyone forgot how to cut and paste?? Sorry Callum, looks like November.
  18. No. Owner Car 1. Teknopete, "Big red" WRX 2. Dougster, White wagon 3. R6 CDW, Sti8
  19. Take it that was official announcement then John? Funnily enough I spoke to Murray (wos 69) from Troon about the possibility of an Ayrshire/Glasgow meet at possibly the Fenwick Hotel. Details to follow.
  20. Was trying to make it John but looks like I will be going mountain boarding instead. Will be assisting Pete in organising RR day for the subarus.(I am his official interpreter!! ) CU all soon peeps ken.
  21. I have some guest passes avaliable(6) if pepole can't make the whole w/e. You can call Jeff Butler at Live Promotions Events direct on 01775 768661 for more details. I still hope to make it on the Saturday afternoon but in a Ford Galaxy!
  22. Organiser would like display cars there on Friday night or 8.30 a.m. Saturday 'till 6 p.m. Sunday night!!!! If they have it that long I would expect them to fix my piston slap!! As I said I am working and might be able to pop along. If people would like to represent SIDC and have there car there, please feel free to contact me directly. Track is open for rides in classic cars for a small charitable donation.
  23. <father ted mode on> DRRRRRRRRINK!! and GERRRRRRRRRRLS!!!<father ted mode off>
  24. I have been in contact with the organiser who is happy to have a few SIDC members display their cars. He could even get 2 or 3 inside but if more show interest they will happily accomodate us in a display area outside. I am working this weekend but may be able to make it. Anyone else?
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