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Everything posted by UK300_Impreza

  1. Very Intrested in the STI8 TMIC have PM you
  2. hi there Frazer and welcome to the forum, best get back to work now before the boss catches me
  3. Sorry its a mini Jump in car game
  4. Sorry that ive not got to know you only a newbie as of sunday but i wish you all the best for your future in america. And also hi there Chezza and welcome another newbie like me
  5. Yeah i have to agree thats a good road, nice coast road. i also like the a198 from gullane to port seton not very long but lovely coast road with some fun corners and very very wide road in places for the old straightning out of the corners
  6. tried that link with both varients doesnt seem to work. ive found this dealer in america seems to do the centre caps. and if you goto exhaust and intakes they do an intake elbow that removes the restritive resianator in the air intake.
  7. does anyone know where i can get replacement OZ centre caps like the one pictured below and also OZ gold paint
  8. any road is good in a scooby yes , iam talking of driver roads ones that challange you and make you feel involved with the car ever corner a challange that puts a smile on your face
  9. yeah my dad likes to do the St Mary's Loch run on his bike says its good fun
  10. gus, if you goto peebles head to innerleith and take the and the B709 to join up to the A7 very good road then follow the a7 till gorebridge and take the B6372 to penicuik this is a personal favorite run for me
  11. heres a few of my favorite roads to drive when i fancy a wee blast in the scooby and dont want to worry about speed cameras A821 Aberfoyle - Callander (nice mountain road with some verty tight 1st gear corners) another favorite A86 Laggan Road to Fort William (love this road gr8 fun and going to see the fortwilliam world cup even better) then A82 fort william to strling and back home to edinburgh or petrol station
  12. fifth gear report on optimax petrol using a new sti produces 249bhp (Subaru claim 280bhp) is this because the reading has been taken at the wheel and not flywheel.
  13. Ive been to this venue in Cambuslang, its pretty sweet with an upslope to drive over the tunnel and a dowslope for if you were to maybe attack it hard enough a take off though you do get black flagged as its not considered an overtaking move (a pdf of the track . The karts are gas powered so dont know if your wanting twin engined karts.
  14. Here's a post ive not seen before what is your car history to date :- well here it goes :- passesd driving 1991 - Toyota MR2 (Wrote off after 2 months biggggggg crash luckly only me involved oversteer into field with a nose to tail flip and three barrow rolls). then there was a 1992 - Toyota Celica Then a 1997 Vaxhuall Vectra 2.5 V6 Supertouring and now 2001 Subaru Impreza UK300
  15. a look at that have i done my own clicky more movies and manuals own click attempt 2
  16. a yet another click box missed you would never of thought i used to work at pc world in my early years or maybe that explians my lack of computer knowledge. This is another good web site for free subaru videos and various other makes of cars http://www.autoclips.net/
  17. I do believe ive turned my profile on (he hopes). P.S. found this website. If you goto the download sections you can get full length videos of topgear and fith gear episodes. not that ive managed to get it to work yet. though the hard drive is already full of 6.gb of subaru videos (do i hear the words obsession.....). http://www.finalgear.com/
  18. Hello there, Just a quick post and hello before going out again to enjoy my new exhaust again (Afterburner Vortex) sounds very sweet with a lovely flat four soundtrack. I never thought it would make such a differance over the old WR sport backbox but i stand corrected very impressed.
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