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Everything posted by UK300_Impreza

  1. That the GX, Make sure its had the 50,000 Service. Does the cambelt have to be done at 50,000 on the GX if so your looking at an expensive 50.000 service on that car looks mint though
  2. Hi there and welcome mate
  3. This is a big file to download 45.mb toke me three attempts as it kept crashing out worth it in the end 2006 Rally Works Testing
  4. lol she has this on her Smart Car
  5. hmmm starters at mcdonalds mmmmm (McChicken Snadwich Meal plz)
  6. They have the wee mini boulders, ull do well in the reception area then big fully glazed screen looking down from the top of the wall alll the way dowwwwnnnnnnnn
  7. could always try your arm at scaling the high wall
  8. Dont think they have pool there ruby
  9. Iam insured through tesco they gave me a real good quote considering i passed my test three years ago and have a crah under my belt one month after passing myy test.
  10. Yeah come along to ratho my gf will be there and she is 19 so ull be able to chat to her
  11. Hello there and welcome to the forum
  12. Iam up for a bit of the old rockcliming may get tired half way up tough
  13. 1) Spooks 2) Scooby Andy 3) Gus 4) Uk300_impreza & Smartarse
  14. oduer de flat four £24.99 a bottle
  15. Spooks, Thats the exact explination i was looking for i knew i was to silly to be true, rember the people at my work are rover drivers n tweed jackects lol
  16. Please help me settle a debate at work, ive told then my scoob is going to get louder when i remove the cats and the response "According to the rules of physic Noise is wasted energy so in theory a noisy car is using more energy than i quiet one" i know this sounds stuipd but help me retailate,
  17. I need bumper lanes for bowling so iam happier with pool least i wont get my arsed kicked by smartarse at the bowling some competion with pool as long as i dont send the cue ball flying off the table
  18. Will give them a ring tommorow see if theyt can get the thrid edition in for me
  19. Id love a game of pool too
  20. Ive the 2nd edition of this book (covers bugeye imprezas) and really enjoyed reading it i bought it off ebay so dont know where to get it in the UK as i see on there website the have released the new 3rd edition can anyone help. Training WRX
  21. Another Shop
  22. Check out that speedo climb jesus
  23. 1. Spooks n Rosie 2. RubyTheScooby 3. Stevo 4. FastScooby 5. Andy & Mrs 6. Mr Kart 7. Mr Bus 8. UK300_Impreza & Smartarse (+ Possible New Bigger Scoop )
  24. F1 Car round Top Gear Track 850BHP Cosworth 5th Gear Greatist Cars in the world
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