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About Iaing

  1. Fee, have you considered the vx220 turbo or vxr 220? I've just bought myself a vxr 220, not an Exige but same chassis. Its basicaly a limited edition vx220 turbo, only 65 were made and came with better, seats, wheels, tyres and more importantly bigger turbo, better brakes and suspension. All this makes for the best drive I have ever had. Handling is just sublime, it really does drive like a go-kart. So much grip! Perfomance its quicker than the Exige, 0-60 comes in 4.2s. Very basic inside, not much apart from a very lame heater, stereo and light switches. Another plus point for me is the fact that the engine is so easily tuned. 270bhp is easily reachable. Mine currently is sitting at 220bhp and 300nm, not bad in a car that weighs less than a tonne. Cost wise a new ish vxt can be bought for about £16-18k VXR for about 20 / 21k. Iain
  2. Think i had an encounter with this guy last night. He came flying up the inside lane and undertook me in the 30mph zone dual carrageway by duthie park. He then got stuck behind another car and I caught up with him. Reg number K or R 524 OCA. [:@] Iain
  3. Think i've seen this guy going about too. Does he have lexus lights on the back? Iain
  4. Like it Now own a vauxhall myself. VXR...220! number 45 of only 65 made. Its a beast, 220bhp and 300nm in a car that weighs less than a tonne Iain
  5. About time Aberdeen got one organised. Iain
  6. Sounds like a plan! Yeah i heard you had some engine trouble with your last motor. What happened? Iain
  7. I agree, this is where the police should be setting up speed traps. However, in this particular case, my friend was drving at 30 on the dot, not realising it could be a 20 zone. Still not sure if it was or wasn't actually. In some places in Aberdeen where the 20 mph zone has recently been placed it can be difficult to tell if its a 20 or 30 zone due to spacing of signs / road markings. The guy in question has two young kids and I don't know a more sensible driver. Iain
  8. Wondering if this car is someone's off here? http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/sales/119635.htm Am very tempted. Still have a thing for the bug eye's! [] Iain
  9. I may have been wrong saying "lazer" speed detector. It could have been anything hand held also I might add the copper did track him for quite a while after we drove away with whatever he was using. Fingers crossed my mate was lucky. Time will tell i guess. Keep an eye on your speed on your way home! Iain
  10. No I don't think so. Iain
  11. Alright Bry, hows life at WG [] I'm your fifer mate Lennys freind Iain, remember me? I used to have a blue bug eye thing before I sold it for the Clio V6. Anyway on topic, you'd be mad to trade your motor in to t&c for that money. 9k could be spent on handling and performance improvements that will make your Scoob really stand out. However I do see where you're coming from, thinking about the 320 myself. Still have a craving for the flat four even though the v6 does sound ...almost as good! Iain
  12. A warning to all the Aberdeen folks who use that road. The police are sitting hiding behind parked cars on the left hand side of the road, before you get to the School (heading towards Anderson drive). Not sure if is a 20 or 30 zone. If its 20 my mates had it. Sneaky buggers are out of the car with a hand held lazer gun, you can't see them until you are passing them. Iain
  13. Don't you mean James Kennedy on the South Deeside road? Thats where I put the high level spoiler I bought for my old bug in for painting and fitting. Did a good job at a good price too. He used to do all of T&C Subaru's. Not sure if he still does or is in fact still in buisiness? Iain
  14. Gareth now drives a bright orange Exige, you cant miss it. 135R was his old Elise. Iain
  15. Yep Falkland are the daddies when it comes to geo setups this far North. Jap Performance out at Ellon might be worth a try too. No idea what they're like though? Iain
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