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Everything posted by dave.t

  1. 1. SHESCOOBY & DAVE & kiddies 2. craigy & co ( kiss chase as a game??) 3. Ben & Emma (Possibly Dave) 4.Leigh & sarah 5.wimpy & gang 6.SISUBARU & ali 7.Dave T 8. 9. 10
  2. Must have been trying to get into the shop[]
  3. Hmmmmm BBQ sounds good to me[Y] The 3rd sunday in May is the day after Japfest,so maybe another weekend?but the weekend after is Bank Holiday,and we need a good turn out on this one as the boss is back[] Dave
  4. Top pics Craig[Y]well done mate[] And another great meet[]they just seem to get better[]
  5. Be good to see you James,its been a while[][Y]
  6. Glad to see your back up and running Craig.c u next sunday[Y] Dave
  7. Glad to see your on the road to recovery Craig[Y] Dave
  8. Hope you get sorted soon mate,and its not too many bucks[Y] Dave
  9. Don`t think it clashes with anything[Y] 1. SHESCOOBY & Co 2. pinky-lad & co 3. Dave T 4. 5. ps. c u at the pod sunday[]
  10. Sorry all,got to work saturday[] Dave
  11. Happy Birthday Craig[<)][^][G] Dave
  12. 17th would be the better day for me but cannot confirm till weds of that week in case of work In Switzerland the w/end before and its the Fastshow the w/end after Dave
  13. Hi Craig, Show & Shine is the clubs cleanest scooby competition bit of info here http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/thread/893005.aspx so get polishing mate,will be posting up soon the events that this will take place at[] Dave
  14. Hi Iain Hows things mate?As you can see from the pics the meets are going from strength to strength[]with a few new faces every month[Y]see you when you get back may`s not too far away....honest[] Dave
  15. Not to bad thanks mate[]but its raining[st] c u next month Dave
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