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Posts posted by wilky

  1. For handling I prefer the porsche its a drivers car.

    The Challenger 392 was a two ton monster, but with 500/500 once you were rolling she coiuld hitch her skirt up and go! It handled like a bath tub though.

    I miss the scooby and have been giving thought to getting another, Ive also been toying with the idea of buying an old 1980s Quattro UR but nothing has come along close enough to buy yet.

  2. Local news update - Operation tattered Starfish, the Police operation to lure pedophiles into bogus meetings with underage children is in full swing this week, suspects and registered sex offenders are baited by police officers online acting as young boys then a meeting is arranged , usually in harvester car parks and usually more than one at a time.

    These men often fall into a certain stereotype and appear similar......

  3. 330/330 on a 16g reliably maybe a wee bit more but not much with everything you mentioned above at @ 1.5 bar on a 2 litre with the right intercooler choice.

    550 injectors were what I had at that stage but they were almost maxed out.

    Walbro pump.

    Plug gap at .68

    I would also as suggested get a FPR, the type that rises as boost increases, I cannot remember what it needs set at at idle but someone will know..

    Another thing at that stage of tuning to consider for a safety aspect is constant and even fuel flow ensuring cylinder number 3 is not neglected so parallel fuel rail set up is a good idea but it needs done correctly, never cowboy it.

    Don't go for a panel filter, get a good quality cone filter.

    Finally a good remap by a decent mapper. You probably know all that anyway but I thought I would mention it all anyway.

    As mentioned previously decent stoppers are a must,.

    The impreza is a great handling car you can improve it more than standard but unless you are trying to win Le Mans what you have will more than handle what you aim for with these mods.

    If you want some geometry set ups to play with pm me and I'll send you some.

    • Upvote 1
  4. To be completely honest it's a combination of everything. There was pi$$ing contest when I joined this frum in 2003 and there always has been.

    There has been splits and splinter groups, verbal wars and sabre rattling by regions and even threats if "I'll meet you in such and such a carpark and kick your Kant. In tec"

    Clubs always get that, even the shandy drinking poofters from the TVR club who we toyed with for a while.

    Why has popularity waned?, as said before the day of the 4x4 rice rocket are over, they have been priced out and the popularity replaced by another brand.

    Me and Gumball were best friends but we used to fight like cat and dog over scoobies.

    We used to wind people up just to get a reaction, at the time it was funny and the club was strong enough to soak that up but now maybe we are feeling the product of that who knows

    The fact is that you are going to struggle to get it all back, the big subaru thing is now f***ed, you need to consolidate and accept it.

    Old scoobies are now cheap for people who couldn't afford them in the past, even though running them is not cheap. Hence the swing to the boy racer, audio brigade.

    The internal power struggles didn't help nor do the constant changing official oersonnel

    Be bold or be disappointed. This is all my personal opinion so take it or leave it. :-)

    • Upvote 1
  5. I know from the horses mouth that Simon loved the run that went from Perth to The distillery we stopped at for lunch on 05? He liked it so much he ran it himself several times at times the road would be empty, both in his car and on a bike.

    Just wanted to mention it I think your run will go that way.

  6. Well can't fault the service so far.... The receipt arrived today along with the hoses and the Discs and pads should be here tomorrow.

    The braided hoses amd fluid change will tighten things up nicely.

    PF is a great option.

  7. . Braveheart - Classic - 2.35 - 641bhp 600 lbs/ft

    2. Wrx Kenny - bugeye - 2.5 - 311bhp 365 lbs/ft

    3. badbaz - best looking one - only 2.0 - enough

    4. adz-wrx - blobeye wrx - 2.0 - 235bhpish and no idea lol

    5. highlandflyer blob wrx 2.0 ppp 265bhp 257lbft

    6. Paul555sti - blobeye sti 2.0 355bhp 350lbs/ft ( best looking and best colour baz )

    7. joshuajames - hawkeye 2.5 PPP - 270bhp (estimate with limited mods), 310 lbs/ft

    8. Patsy. Bugeye Wagon, 2.5, 370bhp 440lbs/ft (vf28 for the time being. T+ to go on soon!)

    9. DaveylWRX. JDM Hawk, 2.0, 400bhp 400+ilb/ft

    10. SpecT UK Hawk WRX 2.5, 279 bhp, 340 lb/ft

    11. Scooby222 - blob eye, 2.0, 390ish bhp 3?? lb/ft (havent got proper figures but enough to make me grin - for now)

    12. boyward - Standard Hatch STI 2.5 - 296bhp, 300lb/ft (or at least it should do )

    13. MattyWR1 - WR1 #429 - stock - 320ps/316bhp and 310lbs/ft

    14. Fai17 - Blob eye Sti 2.5 627bhp 550lb/ft

    15. Wilky - Dodge Challenger SRT 392 - 470bhp 470lb/ft

  8. I havent posted on here for a while, thats not to say I don't still consider myself a member of SIDC however working away means you lose touch sometimes and the time difference usually means that I am reading posts when you are all in bed (Or not in the case of certain Tobagan JPS roukers)

    Certain snide comments and people talking shat has led me to put the record straight about what actually happened to the Fat Banana. This is something I never intended to have to do so that certain parties feeling were not hurt or painful memories evoked however as always some people enjoy other peoples misfortune or error of judgment and seem to thrive on it so this is an exercise in setting the record straight.

    At the beginning of Maylast year I returned home looking forward to driving the banana which I had recently purchased from Grant. Foolishly I allowed myself to be persuaded to go for a spirited drive on the morning after I got back, jet lagged and exhausted.

    Anyone who has driven with me will know its all or nothing. I make no apologise for this its just how I am, I have grown up alot over the past 10 years. I drove spiritly most of the day, then the rain came on and I slowed down. Any other parties involved in this story need not be mentioned, it was I and I alone who made the decision to go out that day.

    In Glencoe, in the rain I overtook a tourist bus, I thought the bus was slowing to let me past before a bridge where the road narrows, the driver instead pulled out, he hit me,luckily went into the crash barrier, which shot me along the edge of the road I hit the edge which popped the front suspension, some panel damaged occured but that was it. The car was straight and no the roll cage didn't save my life. I was travelling at 55-60mph, the national speed limit. If I had been going any quicker then perhaps I wouldnt be here today.

    The car was recovered to Grants house. There was a few tears and I felt like a proper Gareth Hunt. I had just killed his pride and joy he no longer could look after.

    Insurance was settled just before Xmas. Car was auctioned which DRB5 posted up. A few glitches but no problem there. All you conspiracy theorists, can have sex and travel.

    The decision was made by Grant to keep it quiet. This was due to the anguish he felt, but also because he knew that I went through hell when the Fatboy was destroyed by fire, and the lies and bullshat that was talked then about a horrible mishap that almost took my life.

    This time it was my error of judgement that had seriously damaged an iconic car and I suppose it was because he didnt want my feelings hurt or my good name tarnished again that he chose this path, despite personal struggles or problems, which is one of the most loyal things anyone has ever done for me.

    So there you go, no smoke and mirrors, no hidden agenda.

    Back in the day when I was active in the club we used to gossip, bad mouth, laugh etc etc just like every normal human being does, but we never revelled in others misfortune due to an accident or a crash or a mishap.

    Cars in fields, engines on fire, cars gutted, whang changing the crash barriers at KH was all worthy of gossip or the odd exaggerated story but we were never nasty and always were there to offer help if we could.

    I would like to think its still the same today...........

    Callum - Professional Icon wrecker ;-)

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