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Everything posted by paul_haggerty

  1. that saying is true but not to all men lol
  2. hi sheepie u had beta ask tony as he has all the answers
  3. and may be if someone kept there mouth shut in the first place then i would not of had to make the LONG walk home A i hope it was worth it
  4. hi like to thank pele and lee for the christmas meal it was great injoyed company have to aplogise for being told to leave the premises so am sorry to all and i would like to thank tony for letting me walk the 6 miles home. cheers paul
  5. hi arron, i do need it reset just really need to know how much its going to cost as with christmas and the scooby meal and bits am short on cash lol cheers paul
  6. hi sheepie, i really want to get the 2 issue but cant find anyone who sells them i have spoken to my local newsagent and he said he will sell them but there have not given any details in the back of it to pass on information lol where did u get ur copy of scooby mag is it local cheers paul
  7. hi all these last three posts were done by tony not me
  8. Next month were get the date right and hit it full force lol
  9. Nah mate she did not have Lee moaning at her She was out alone having lots of fun
  10. Looking forward to it only two weeks to go
  11. LOL yeah all that travelling and for what a ............................. burgerking meal lol But have to admit it was nice to see Pele happy for a change cant think why lol
  12. hi Q glad to hear the good news u should call her not him people may think u bat for the other side lol paul
  13. hi sheepie cheers for the number shall give him a ring cheers paul
  14. hi mate sorry to hear about the car u still have to come to the meets tho and maybe u might get another, 1 u know u will miss her lol have u had any offers yet cheers paul
  15. hi everyone wundering if someone could help me my engine management symbol has come up i think it has something to do with the exhaust as i have taken the middle section out ( to cats and may be a senser ) does anyone know if it could be something else or if it is the exhause how i can get over this problem cheers paul ( white warrior )
  16. hi ian, am interested in the sun stripes if u r still doing them if so would u be able to do me a front and rear with white background and black subaru writing please as i have only a gx so no need for the sti or wrx logo ( lol ) cheers paul ps how much would this be
  17. hi all sheepie the bloke with the silver gx is sam otherwise know as slow mo ( lol ) cheers paul
  18. im up for that guildford has some really nice motors up there i should know i went out with a girl from guildford uni, was up there most sats not sure where in guildford they all go tho only see them driving through town center
  19. hi all sorry am late posting problems with pc, thanks to pele and lee for a great day out didnt like the listings tho i was the bottom of both lol gx getting faster slowly mind lol paul
  20. some good pics there well done pele hope u all enjoyed it paul
  21. hi all £15 i can do looking at all the meets and track days and things there is a lot of time involved organising and ringing around paul
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