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Posts posted by andy

  1. still waiting on bloody Andy sending mine lol :lol: , anyway where is he i havent seen him in here since the gathering :rotfl:

    I'm still around. Was out in Portugal last weekend as the World Trials stuff all kicked off again and only got home late last night. Am in Spain this weekend then Andorra next weekend. Only after that do I get a break. :angry:

    Your shirts are here and totally safe. I'll touch your goat re delivery. :D

    I fully intended standing down from my role within the SIDC after the Gathering was out of the way because of my other commitments, but having (finally!) met our Chairman that weekend I simply couldn't do it and leave him in the s**t. He's a bloody good bloke who lives and breathes for this Club.

    I've agreed with Phil I will stick around, but will be taking a back-seat role from now on and will only deal with Website stuff - patches, upgrades, support tickets etc. I have a major project coming up to expand my Trials website into other areas of off-road sport which is going to take massive amounts of time and effort, but might finally make me some money (I wish) :(

  2. I can confirm this has absolutely nothing to do with the SIDC. We WOULD NOT pass your details on to anyone unless they have a court order requiring us to do so (never happened yet and hope it never does)

    I can also assure you it has nothing to do with the McRae Gathering, which many of you also registered your details with.

    Apart from the fact I personally detest spammers with a passion and would not allow any member's details to be passed to any third party, we have obligations under the Data Protection Act to ensure your privacy and we absolutely abide by them.

    If you post your email address on the Forums then yes, it's going to be harvested (which is why I deleted the MSN Contact topic) and we can't stop that, but that is your risk. Your personal details registered "behind the scenes" remain secure and confidential.


    SIDC Administrator.

  3. Fudge - PM me your name, car reg and mobile number so I can make sure you're on the list. You may well be already, but just to avoid any hassle on the day if you get a sticker from someone else.

  4. I'm liking that. I've been looking at where hits to the Gathering site are coming from and seeing a number of car Forums where people are planning on turning out on bridges to watch the convoy go past. The roof graphic is a great idea and will be easily seen by them and the press we expect en route :D

  5. Not buying Stickers off of Ebay for the event. Seems some have already gone up for auction :D

    In fairness, neither of the two sellers did it to profit from the event and their intentions were good - to allow someone else to take part because they could no longer make it. Both immediately pulled the items on our request and understood our reasons for not wanting them on Ebay. No more have appeared since. :D

  6. Thanks Gus. I had a nervous breakdown about a month ago, but got it out of my system and have been fine since :banana: Imy is in the middle of hers and I'm not sure about Grant. He seems fine so we think he must be either about to go wibble or is secretly back on the :D :D

    It is massive. If you want to see just how global this has gone clicky here. Article after article about the Gathering on websites and in newspapers all over the world. It's truly stunning and a great testament to how highly Colin was regarded. Even the messages of good luck and congratulating us on our efforts that have come in from right across the globe from those who can't make it have been amazing. I had hoped to share some of them on the Gathering site, but just simply haven't had the time. Maybe afterwards when the dust has settled :barf:

  7. A wee word of warning to those of you coming up to Lanark for the whole event. The M74 up through the south of Scotland is very quiet so there is the temptation to put the foot down. It's totally safe to do 80 or 90, but be warned that Dumfries & Galloway Police use this as a massive revenue earner and position their Scamera vans on bridges where they can do you before you've even spotted them. They also like to hide their patrol cars on slip roads.

    If you really want to lose £60 on the weekend, stick it in one of our donation buckets, not in their pockets! :lol:

  8. When we did the recce in my 07 WRX, I fuelled up in Lanark before I met Grant and Imy to make sure I had a full tank.

    We did the recce as close as possible to the "real thing" i.e. We left Lanark Market at 10am, stopped at Charnock Richards for an hour and drove at between 60 and 70 all the way down - assume an average of 60-62mph. The journey was 320 miles and I still had a 1/4 tank left when we arrived at Prodrive, Banbury.

    Okay, coming back was an entirely different story as we were no longer in "simulation mode" :P but the point is it needn't be expensive. You could do the whole thing on less than two tanks if you took it easy.

    Personally, I'm doing here to Lanark, Lanark to Banbury, Banbury to Warwick, Warwick to a nice hotel somewhere in Buckinghamshire, Bucks to Cambridge and Cambridge to home in Fife. Fecking long weekend, but would not miss it for the world :thumbup:

  9. I couldn't get on to it the other day either. I did think the same as Dunc. SIDC paid $50 for this forum software and pay $50 a year in support. That entitles us to all upgrades/patches etc. Hosting is cheap as chips. It makes sense to have a decent, reliable web presence in place that YOU have got total control over and don't have to rely on piss-poor "free" services. It's a tiny amount of money - £25 a year. You offshore guys earn that before you've even had a dump in the morning :P

  10. How will Granby be able to help you? He has nothing to do with supplying stickers! You need to contact us via the Gathering website. The backlog of orders will be cleared in the next couple of days. If you only ordered last week it's highly possible it's not gone out yet.

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