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Posts posted by andy

  1. Did sh*tloads of testing with IE7, IE8 and Firefox and found no problems. On IE8 now and can't find anything that isn't working as it should be. Can you clear Cache?


    Internet Options

    Click "Delete" under Browsing Options on first tab.

    Untick "Preserve Favorites Website Data"

    Tick "Temporary Internet Files"

    Tick "Cookies" (note that will log you out of SIDC and all other websites you have remembered logins for)

    "History" isn't important. Tick it if you want to hide your visits to goat-touching websites ;)

    The rest don't matter.

    Try that and let me know if still problems.

  2. I cant see a 'New Posts' button, but that is nothing serious. A good looking site.

    Upper right of the forums on the main index, just below the title bar and above the "Recent Topics Added" side block there is a "View New Content" link. That'll show you everything new since your last visit.

  3. Please note that the SIDC Forums will be offline for most, if not all day, on Saturday 25th September for major upgrade work.

    If you attempt to access the Forums on that day whilst they are being worked on, you will see a pop-up screen similar to the following:




    Internet Exploder 8

    Note that your SIDC username and password will NOT let you past that pop-up login

    That block will allow me to carry out the upgrade work without any users accessing the Forums, which is essential to making sure it goes smoothly. As soon as the upgrade is complete the pop-up login will be removed and your normal username and password will work.

    There are some cool new features coming with this upgrade including a totally NEW Personal Messaging system which automatically saves your PM's as "conversations" - both sent and received PM's and allows you to have private PM "conversations" with multiple users. It will also feature an all-new SIDC Garage, Time/Dyno Runs league table and social networking integration for the Facebook fans out there.

    Tests of this upgrade indicate around 12 hours of downtime. Hopefully, with an early start, the upgrade will be completed by early Saturday evening. Thank you in advance for your patience. It WILL be worth it B)


  4. IRC is a no-no, for us anyway. Most hosting companies won't allow it as firstly you have to open more firewall ports and expose yourself to security risks and secondly it can use a lot of bandwidth.

    I did set up live chat as an experiment last year, but it doesn't seem to be working since I did the latest Forum upgrade. It should automatically log you in with your Forum user ID, but it's not for some reason. I'd need to re-install itr which I'd only do if I knew it was going to be used.


    I know the Scottish lot had a lot of fun in there :brickwall:

  5. Good to hear it's gone to a real enthusiast who will appreciate it for what it is and even better it's stayed in Scotland :huh:

    I've taken a step back from things since the event, deliberately as event organising and I don't get on - first and last time for me as I get too stressed and take things too personally, but it was an experience, albeit one never to be repeated...

    I've taken a look at the website tonight as things come to a close.

    Domain registration for mcrae-gathering.co.uk - £5.98

    Website hosting - on my dedicated server - £208 (Jan 2008 - Feb 2009 at a proportional cost of £16 per month)

    Software costs - £0 (open source software was used throughout)

    Total outgoings on website: £213.98 (none of this has been claimed as expenses)

    Total income from website to date: £70,310.00

    Okay that doesn't count people's time, but worthwhile investment? Too f*cking right! It's beyond amazing. I was expecting about £5000 as absolute maximum and am stunned looking at the £70k figure as I've never checked this before.

    BTW - don't think as it says £70k income means there will be £70k donated as that is purely income, not profit. It doesn't count outgoings like shirt costs, sticker costs, postage costs, getting Colin's cars to Warwick and all the other outgoings which were considerable.

  6. Like any car, it depends how you drive it. I was lucky in that I learned to drive in rural Aberdeenshire back when we had REAL winters. That gives you confidence. Happily driven up the outside lane of the M9 in the Scoob when it's had several inches of snow and everybody else is stacked up in the inside lane and she's never even twitched. Also driven back roads to my folks in snow and ice without any problems. I only ever use Goodyear Eagles all year round and never had a problem so don't believe it's solely down to tyres, but is more about adapting your driving style to the conditions. Unfortunately because winters have got milder newer drivers don't get the chance to hone their skills in driving in snow and ice.

  7. Why do I have a bad feeling about where this topic is heading? :rotfl:

    Gents, please comply with my requests not to circumvent the swear filters. It is in the forum rules that profanity is not permitted. I have no desire to get heavy-handed, but will if you persist.

  8. what t**t came up with that *** up phrase

    This "t**t", as you so succinctly put it . There is a problem?

    Oh, and don't abbreviate words to try and circumvent our swear filters. They're in place for a reason...

  9. it makes me sick.

    honestly my stomach dropped when I saw it sold for £345 and the charity is only getting 40%.

    the worse thing is that Grant and I are still working our ar$es off on this,

    the event is still "live" for us, and will be until we hand all the money we've raised to the McRae family.

    this has taken over our lives for the past 12 months and we have spent our own money, from our own pocket, paying for things to make it happen.

    For some guy to keep 60% himself is disgusting.

    whats even more nauseous is I had to make companies like Roger Clark Motorsport, Scoobyclinic and even Subaru UK promise and swear blind that they can only have a display stand at Warwick on the proviso that THEY DO NOT MAKE ANY MONEY from our event

    - it is a fundraising event for Colin, not a trade show.

    this eBayer has just sucked all our hard work down the drain and is the ONLY ONE to profit from this for very little effort (so far).

    yes I know the print is theirs to sell, but this is how I feel and its sucks :driving:

    and yes I also know that there may be a spate of other folk selling their print and it makes me think "whats the point in doing this."

    I dont want to go online anymore.

    the Gathering has become too personal for me.

    Imy, I know we've had our differences, but I'm 100% with you on this one. When I first saw it posted on Ebay I thought "Is this what we did the recce for?". "Is this what we stuffed all those envelopes for?", "Is this what we went through all the stress for?", "Is this why I stood at a junction in the pissing rain for 3 hours directing traffic for?". I know Grant and yourself have done shitloads more post-event than I have, but I find profiteering on this scale beneath contempt. 40%? Peanuts. 100% of profit was the only ever acceptable donation.

  10. How do you sign up to be a "Scottish Scooby Supporter"?

    Oops - my bad for not keeping an eye on topics I reply to.

    If you go to your membership control panel providing you are an SIDC Member you will see the ability to upgrade to Scottish Scooby Supporter. The upgrade is only available to SIDC Members, but proceeds from Scottish Scooby Supporter status, as stated, get put back into the charity events in Scotland.

  11. Only just noticed this poll. I want nothing at all. My part in all this was small. I just used my geek abilities to help a good cause where I could. If it should go to any individual involved in this event it should go to Grant and Grant alone as he's been the driving force from day one, has been the consumate gentleman throughout who held it together when everyone (myself included) was collapsing around him and has shown levels of professionalism way beyond what could ever be expected. He held it all together and deserves the recognition - though I daresay he'll disagree.

  12. There should be some funding available from those who signed up to be "Scottish Scoobies Supporters" - The whole point of making that membership status available was so any monies raised could be totally directed back into the various Scottish regions to support their charity efforts. Need to speak to Phil though as I have no control over that side of things.

  13. Its one order, one item. If you look at the product description it explains why ;)


    The shop was populated with a stock level of 500 on Grant's instructions. Once that reaches zero there may be more added up to 555 minus whatever he's sold outwith the shop, but once it reaches zero you won't be able to order.

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