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About andy

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  1. A tear or two here too. VERY well done to all
  2. As a paid member you can upload direct to the SIDC Server. Click "Add Reply" (don't use Quick Reply as that doesn't allow you to upload photos) At the bottom of the text box you can add attachments. Upload your photos using that and click "Add to Post" link(s) on the right. Job done.
  3. As a Member you can upload direct to our Server. See:
  4. Can you take a look at the RO's info topic in the RO's forum please and give your thoughts on some changes to the proposed forum restructuring.
  5. BOTH forms? There is only one form, here: http://www.sidc.co.uk/membership/signup.php As long as you pay attention to the text in red against certain fields and they EXACTLY match your forum details there's no reason it shouldn't let you through
  6. That avatar scares the living shit out of me.
  7. That should be everybody fixed that I'm aware of. Only thing that might not be right is RO status for some people. I'll change them as Dale requests them.
  8. phil r - sorted out. As I said above, I need email and preferred password. There is no point in PM'ing me asking for help without that information...
  9. I have magical powers and can fix. PM me the password and email address you want to use.
  10. Good to see the positive posts in here I hope you can put past differences behind you and continue onwards and upwards.
  11. You'll have a long wait Frankyboy, but keep going with your wooden spoon. I'm apologising for nothing. Some of you seem to think it's perfectly acceptable to come on here spouting bullshit at those who give up their free time for this Club then squeal for their Mummies when somebody dares to retaliate. Fact is, I'm not on the Committee. I don't attend their online meetings and I don't vote on Club matters so I don't have to play nice like the other boys. I'm no different to you except I've saved the Club £1560 this year and implemented a vastly improved online shop. What's your contribution been (apart from your highly intelligent and lucid contributions to this topic of course)?
  12. Only applies to England & Wales
  13. Yay for SW anarchy!! Let's make every night night! As part of the Forum re-vamp we are looking at having a forum which is far less restricted, but access to it will be members only so you'll need to join up.
  14. Stu is 100% correct is everything he says. You had a new person post in this forum yesterday introducing himself. How the hell do you think some of the stuff posted in this topic appears to him? Likely to make him want to stick around or likely to make him think "Jesus, what is this place and who are the clowns posting here?" There are a lot of changes going on behind the scenes and a real desire to rebuild this Club. There is a straight choice - you (this isn't aimed at anyone specific) can either embrace those changes and be part of the Club moving forward or you can leave. It really is that simple, but things cannot go on the way they have and we will not allow them to go on the way they have. No other regional forum has the trouble and levels of paranoia that exists here and as Stu says it's the same minority of troublemakers time and time again. Either weed them out or just ignore them and leave them to their sad, paranoid little lives as they're really not doing anyone any good. BTW, "Mr Prowler" - I think you'll find your post regarding Andy Murray wasn't deleted. It's still in the topic you posted it in, however that topic was closed thanks to the actions of a certain individual. For the record, he may be a fellow Scotsman, but I think Andy Murray is a knob.
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