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Everything posted by 2nd_In_Command

  1. v8voodoo -Welcome to the club if Pele or I can help with any info just let us know......
  2. Joe- It would of been good it you could of come last night to talk about venues....
  3. Just a couple of wheels and tires hopfully....
  4. We do have people from that area try PM ern he normal comes or we can meet you this end
  5. Is it just me or do the buses stop ever 10m if so do you get out of 2nd gear....lol
  6. Pele and I are looking to do a dec meet for people not coming to the christmas meal around the 10,11,12 dec
  7. 27th november looks free its a sat is Chloe off work....
  8. I keep looking, See some white drivers today,Should be in the area around 8.30-9.30 & 15.00 16.00
  9. Joe - Pele & I will have to come down to you one night before christmas for a meal and the drive home along the M20 lol....Hope i don't eat to much....
  10. Thats one of the reasons Pele & I set KentScoobies up we have a large data base of sites,Info etc...If we cannot help we will know some one who can..
  11. Joe you are the only person i know who could try and take bits of a go kart to make it lighter..lol We wont mention your side kick (pro driver) or was it the ESC t-shirt...
  12. You be all right Joe its better doing it with other Scoobs and friends because you will know each others abilitys sorry about the spelling lol
  13. All the best Wes and Caroline for tomorrow have a brill day and see you both on sat from Pele & I
  14. Nath can drive fast in a straight line thou lol..........Joe
  15. Ian- I have been 436 spotting the last 2 days and again friday..
  16. When are you on the track Joe....
  17. nice to see you and Jon keep up the good work....
  18. Pele started life in a uno turbo so her love for speed is my fault..lol
  19. I will be 436 spotting tomorrow..lol
  20. I'm new.....
  21. You after my job -Jon...lol..Keep up the good work
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