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Everything posted by bartmanuk

  1. its been a long year mate, how you doing anyway?
  2. your probably right Pele but i remember a thread on SN about a classic on a 51 plate,quite some time ago tho lol. BM
  3. the classic is the original (and best some might say) shape 1992-2000, the newage 2001-present. BM
  4. lol it has been a while Pele [] and im even going to try and make the next meet. anyway,go for it with the bank charges, its a garenteed win, just use http://www.penaltycharges.co.uk/main_bank_charges.php and you can get all the help needed from the forums. Jamie []
  5. i have still got your number cheers mate, i will call if i need to. anyway what was this thread about??? lol jamie[8-)]
  6. hello pele, no you dont . BM[]
  7. PMSL!! []
  8. what is it a classic or newage? BM
  9. i'll do my best to make it, ive got the old girl up for sale at the mo so i may need a lift if she goes before then, but hopefully she wont have lol. Jamie
  10. they are not aloud to charge you more than £10 for 6 years worth of statements. BM
  11. definataly mate, when is the next meet? ive just got a little contract with a housing association in Maidstone, so im pretty local most of the time now, which is good for me family life lol, glad alls well at yours tho mate. what about all the old crew, do they all still go to the meets? ive looked on a couple of times and seen that theres quite a few newbies about, although some of them prob aint so new any more. Jamie
  12. i suppose i should come on and say hello seeing as i havent been on for sooooooo long!!! BM []
  13. DONT TAKE NO SHIT FROM THE BANKS, i claimed my charges back just before christmas, 6 years of charges came to £1300, threatened them with court and they offered £900 after a couple of months of argueing, turned that down and started court procedings, once procedings start you can add on 8% interest over the 6 years, so the claim went up to £1800 including costs etc. Then a couple of days before the court date they sent us a cheque for £1804, result [] any info you need you can get from http://www.penaltycharges.co.uk/main_bank_charges.php this is the top site for info on this subject. BM[] avin it!!!
  14. Hello mate, i know its been a long time, i feel bad that i havent been on for so long[:S]. but its been one hell of a year and a bit mate, work just got crazy i even had 3 subbys working for me for a while,we had the 2nd baby a week before chrimbo 05, but she was in hospital at 9 days old with neumonia and bronculitis which was a scary time, [] and i suppose it made me think a bit about how much work i was doin and how little i got to see the kids because of it, so any spare time went on the kids as much as possible, luckily about august september sort of time work slackened off a bit and ive been workin on my own since then. How about you then, been up to much? BM[]
  15. Ive got a '94 classic (standard 208BHP) I Full de-cat down/centre & MASSIVE back box. & Samco Turbo hoses! & on the rollers it made 231BHP!!! so i think your Might of had a PPP kit in it aswell? as thats the same as my friends & he's got the PPP on his. P.S is yours a UK or an import? Standard uk spec or WRX, STI? yes its a uk turbo 2000, it has no PPP, and it only had centre and back box on it when it made 250bhp and 237lb torque, it did have an itg panel filter on it too. believe me mate i was well shocked, when we got to power engineering Pele wrote down what power everyone already had or what they predicted they would get, and i told her about 230bhp is what i expected, when it come off the rollers i had a grin from ear to ear. heres the thread from scoobynet http://bbs.scoobynet.com/southern-22/25455...h-november.html and on page 40 of that thread was the write up by Pele of when we got back. 15 November 2003, 18:49 pele Scooby Regular Join Date: Jan 2002 Location: SIDC Kent Regional Organiser & KentScoobies bossy boots Posts: 2,695 #784 (permalink) Firstly, thank you all for turning up & making the day a success Also thanks to the Power Engineering crew for making us welcome Hope everyone was happy with the dent man & the valet service Here are the results.... 1. Dark Blue Turbo - MY00 - 249bhp/250lbs torque 2. GTB Limited - legacy - 277bhp/229lbs torque 3. JK - MY03 - 288bhp/254lbs torque 4. Pele - MY98 - 263bhp/239lbs torque 5. RB5SCOTT - UK 300 - 346/284lbs torque 6. Arron - STI7 - 321bhp/285lbs torque 7. Bartmanuk - MY98 - 250bhp/237lbs torque 8. Fuz - MY01 - 226bhp/196lbs torque 9. Hades - MY02 - 281bhp/251lbs torque 10. Flat Eric - MY03 wagon - 253bhp/252lbs torque 11. Looney Toons - MY01 - 241bhp/228lbs torque 12. Mikey-p - MY98 - 265bhp/246lbs torque 13. Tiny01 - MY?? - 274bhp/275lbs torque 14. I Palmer - MY99 - 288bhp/257lbs torque 15. Vic - MY96 - 303bhp/273lbs torque 16. MadMark - 252bhp/235lbs torque 17. Mark -MY98 - 305bhp/264lbs torque 18. PBone - MY03 - 303bhp/285lbs torque 19. Gatso Busters - MY03 - 281bhp/255lbs torque 20. Motomc1 - MY99 - 282bhp/260lbs 21. Col Stone - MY99 - 296bhp/261lbs 22. Slow Boy - MY00 - 252bhp/253lbs torque 23. dave k - MY03 - 241bhp/241lbs torque 24. Fulham71 - MY01 WRX - 287bhp/276lbs torque 25. Danny Boy - MY98 - 267bhp/293lbs torque 26. Steve - MY98 - 256bhp/233lbs torque 27. Neno - MY?? - 270bhp/243lbs torque 28. Adrian - MY?? - 290bhp/258lbs torque 29. PJB1 - MY01 - 323bhp/281lbs torque 30. Gareth60 - MY02 - 291bhp/264lbs torque 31. Smelly Vag - MY99 - 278bhp/260lbs torque 32. Fangoria - MY99 - 401bhp/339lbs torque 33. Calder - MY02 - 231bhp/228lbs torque 34. Steve - MY03 - 319bhp/???lbs torque 35. Alan Mcrae - MY?? - 406bhp/???lbs torque 36. Barry C - MY96 - 295bhp/299lbs torque 37. POC - BMW M3 - 300bhp/257lbs torque If there is anything anyone wants ammended/removed, please let me know. Finally, I hope you all enjoyed the day as much as I did biggest smile of the day goes to..... BartmanUK BM:)
  16. with a scoobysport de-catted center and scoobysport back box my 1998MY(standard 208bhp) give out 250bhp and 237 lb/ft torque[] i have got a scoobysport de-cat downpipe on as well now but not had it on the rollers yet. also you only need one of the cats in to pass the mot. BM[]
  17. yeh but i like looking at the pictures though mate!! BM
  18. i take it that means everyone who had a 12month subscription loses there money then?? BM:(
  19. << Jamie, can't promise but I'll have a look in the shed. Arron. >> great, nice one Arron, much appriciated BM
  20. BTTT for any help!!! BM
  21. i think you find its said that since september >> LOL
  22. hi all, ive got 5 spoke, 16 inch standard subaru wheels,but ive lost 2 of the center caps, so i was wondering if anybody knew where i could buy some or if someone had any spares they would be willing to sell, it is just the center caps i need. cheers BM
  23. << does anyone know how often scooby mag comes out? has there been another issue since forester sti copy? ive run out of reading material for those extra hard days at work! >> the next issue will be number 8 and on the http://www.scoobymagazine.com/ website it says they will be announcing the date shortly. BM
  24. oh my god Pele! ive only just seen this thread, i'm glad you're not to badly hurt. lucky it was only at 40mph,i dread to imagine how bad it could have been at a higher speed, hopfully get to see everyone soon, BM
  25. cheers boys, it was a pukka early crimbo prezzie another girl it was Jon,we've called her Kate and she weighed in at 7lb 4oz so its plenty of sleepless nights for a while again,but as you well know its all worth it. hope you've all had a good day today anyway.... BM
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