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About frenchy

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  1. Ryan and Ian, I'll put your tickets for Japfest in the same envelope which you should get by the weekend
  2. Oh Kev, I am so sorry to hear that. Good luck with your chemo treatment though Wow, that was certainly a career shift! Is that be at Addenbrookes? I bet you can't wait til Thursday!! I drove one on Saturday and I must have I'm very jealous of those picking theirs up this week I've not met up with the Cambridge guys for a long time, I'm sure they're still around though.
  3. All good ta Kev Oooh, very nice! When do you collect her? Are you still in the "trade" or moved on?
  4. Hey Kev, I wondered if that was you who had joined the club How are you? What's that you're driving then? Kim
  5. Sorry to hear that Barry 1. ScoobieFloz - Prawn - Turkey - Brownie (Booked) 2. Don - Pate - Turkey - Xmas Pud (Booked) 3. Scoobyjoff - Prawns/fish pie/and that betty thing (Booked) 4. scoobro + 1 - Prawn - Turkey - Caramel Apple Betty / Tomato Soup - Turkey - Xmas Pud (Booked) 5. Frenchy - Tomato Soup - Festive Burger - Caramel Apple Betty (Booked) 6. Dan +1 - Tomato Soup - Turkey - Choc Brownie / Prawn - Turkey - Caramel Apple Betty (Booked) 7. Scoobyrichie (Booked) 8. Emmie Lou (Booked) 9. 10.
  6. 1. ScoobieFloz - Prawn - Turkey - Brownie (Booked) 2. Don - Pate - Turkey - Xmas Pud (Booked) 3. Scoobyjoff - Prawns/fish pie/and that betty thing (Booked) 4. scoobro + 1 - Prawn - Turkey - Caramel Apple Betty / Tomato Soup - Turkey - Xmas Pud (Booked) 5. Frenchy - Tomato Soup - Festive Burger - Caramel Apple Betty (Booked) 6. Dan +1 - Tomato Soup - Turkey - Choc Brownie / Prawn - Turkey - Caramel Apple Betty (Booked) 7. Barry - Tomato Soup - Fish Pie - No Dessert (Booked) 8. Scoobyrichie (Booked) 9. 10.
  7. Might pop in the next time I'm in Cambridge to see
  8. 1. ScoobieFloz 2. Don 3. Bakerzone 4. Scoobyjoff 5. scoobro + 1 6. Frenchy 7. scoobe 8. 9. 10.
  9. Is it a closed event Pele?
  10. Your link isn't working Pele. Shame I'm so far away, would have been great to catch up with you
  11. I might pop along
  12. http://www.sidc.co.uk/product-category/track-days/
  13. http://www.sidc.co.uk/product/asda-charity-day-brungingthorpe-sat-9th-august-2014/
  14. The best of luck Floz. If you need any help then you know where we all are
  15. I hold no grudges Scott, life is far too short, it was in fact you who brought up the subject of warnings and bans. No body has been banned from SIDC for a few years. All warnings recently are totally justified.
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