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Deano 666

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Everything posted by Deano 666

  1. anything 4 you neil
  2. Im still going, lets call it a german meeting, jk you up for it???????
  3. i will be there in my kit car both days, if the weather holds off! i hope to see andy holand, dean hunter, and hugh. come and say hello, i will be on the robin hood owners club stand. Dean
  4. Neil, AKA Dunks is often found hanging about the toilets for men in brighton
  5. your welcome,
  6. your welcome mark, oh a nice tight fit! give then about 200miles to bed in,
  7. Thank you guy's. 33 is the magic number
  8. Nothing a little grinding would'nt sort out!!!!
  9. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There must be some sort of law again'st breaking a perfectly good car.
  10. Trevor i didnt think you done manual work
  11. not from me, im still running my engine in.
  12. Hi, i have a second hand LG KU990 touch screen phone 4 sale asking only £40.00, i was going to E bay it this week, let me know if you are interested, Deano.
  13. with hugh, this car is WELL worth the money, this is the fastest scoobie i have ever been involved with, it has had everything done to it to make it the best it can be. The perfect track car.
  14. give me a call in morning,
  15. hi, check your in box.
  16. when you know what the weather is doing on that day, can you let me know please.
  17. check cooling system for leaks, it could just be getting rid of its air locks in the system, this would make the level drop in the header tank untill it reaches its level. also check to see if the level on the engine dip stick has gone up over the max mark, if so, that is where the coolant is going too, Dean.
  18. Come on guy's and girls. We could do with more people on track (me being weather permiting), now is the time to un-leash your beast's without the risk of getting your licences taken off of you by the roz.
  19. thanks guys. your welcome. Dean
  20. i have a one you can borrow,
  21. NAZ, you could of given the bike a wash before you took the pics
  22. whats up matt??
  23. i could build you a type 7 kit car next if you want
  24. what you talkin about willis? all sorted.
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