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Deano 666

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Everything posted by Deano 666

  2. trevor, did you keep the magic tree from your rear view mirror, if so how much do you want for it? i have cash waiting. cheers. Deano
  3. i still dont know how to put a picture on mine, or change my sighn in name[8-)]
  4. And this one sorry i cant watch that! (after only 10 sec) i was neally sick over my dog.
  5. It would be great to have some support from KS members. we will all be there............... in spirit[]
  6. Dont know what your talking about mate[:$][^o)]
  7. today after jolly green and looney had finished maping the car, Dean asked me to check the the vehicle over, ready for the next track day, Brakes, oil levels, after doing a few adjustments to the car, lowered the rear ride hight another 6mm, and changed the gearbox oil, i took the car for a small road test through the back lanes, after working on this car for most of last summer, this was the first time i had driven the car, with its final map settings in place, after letting the car get to its normal running temp, i gave it a bit of right foot down, not for long mind you, as the car goes so fast, it made my internal organs move to the back of my body...... i headed back to the garage That is the fastest thing on 4 wheels i have driven!!! now can we make the yellow one go fast??[6]
  8. come on granby! out with it[:-*]
  9. 1. Pele 2. Lee & Rach 3. Granby 4. Daniel & Daniela 5. Yogi and Terri (Provisional) 6. Scoots and Mrs Scoots 7. Scuzz and Herman 8. Loonybin 9. Shiralee sorry peeps gonna have to pull out! 10. T123VOR 11. Gee (sean) johnny foreigner 12. Baz69birds 13. Turbo Tan 14. WRX uk300Si 15. Dunks 16. Deano777 (aka) Deano666
  10. oh thanks trev! me or the web site??????
  11. did have one but i dont check them every day, had two customers phone me, and had a bit of a mone because i didnt get back to them within that day, so i took it off. im due to update pics soon, get some pics of the Audi, some german engineering at its best[]
  12. thats better it works now.[:$] thanks dunks[Y]
  13. Dan, you can pick me up on your way through, then i can get drunk and abusive to the staff.[6]
  14. i hope the jolly green monster makes you happy. if you put my stickers on your car, that would make me happy. i will take some pics of your car and put it on my gallery, www.Larkins-AutoServices.com (sorry Phil[])
  15. i was buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzin man![:|] also tha fact that i fixed your car, and you were happy, that makes me happy!!!!
  16. your welcome dan, thank you for the good tasting [C] that was on tap all day, im glad it all went well for us both, hope your luck stays the same for fri`s re map.[<)]
  17. [:|]
  18. ive managed to sort out the signing in thing, been locked out since the new sidc website design.
  19. is the boot build done yet trev?
  20. hope you had a good track day today Dean, the weather held out for you. did you containe the beast,
  21. mont i have a idea, why not put the car back to standard, then you would`nt have this problem each time. (thought of the day)
  22. thanks guys, i will pay you both later for saying nice things about me
  23. trev, looks like somone has turned your boot into a pond, when are you fitting the ducks?
  24. hope it all went well Dean, you may as well order a rear diff now that will put up with the stick from the front end,
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