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About dave_morgan

  1. Ouch !! Glad you lived to tell the tale though - kudos to the strength of the scoob.
  2. Yep, that would be my approach. If he's genuine, he won't have a problem. I had a guy from Switzerland wanting to buy my Skyline last month and he started asking for all sorts of info I wasn't happy giving away to a stranger so I asked him for a copy of his passport/id. He sent it no problem, and his email address showed me where he worked too. Saying that after we agreed a deal, we went back on it, so no guarantees even after jumping through hoops! That's 4 times I've (verbally) sold the Skyline now, and everytime it falls at the last hurdle (before they've even seen the forking car!!). I'm now getting really ratty with buyers and telling them I'm not holding it or turning anyone away unless there's a deposit in the bank. Another viewer coming on Friday though (from Holland) so fingers crossed, otherwise it's on Autotrader next week.
  3. You'll get better acceleration, but you're speedo will read wrong (it'll read over). Over 3% difference in diameter between the 45 and the 40 series. Going for a 215/40 woold be closer (only 2% diff). PLay around with this : http://www.tyresave.co.uk/tyresiz2.html Another vote for CLCL from me for alignment. The guy there is great and reasonably priced. Just tell him Dave from 'next door' sent you - he'll look after you! Just make sure you book, as it's a busy wee place. He's only 2 mins off the bypass at the Calder junction.
  4. http://www.drmotorsport.co.uk/ []
  5. Sparks should never escape from within the distributor or leads, so as Brian says, it sounds like the insulation in one of them is breaking down. Perhaps a small crack in the cap ??
  6. [] New Age: No. Name YEAR MODEL 01 Mrs Jc scoob MY01 WRX 02 PaulC555 MY01 WRX 03 Keap_scooby MY01 WRX 04 Chris_c201 MY01 WRX 05 Scooby Doom MY01 WRX 06 Aberscoob MY01 WRX 07 Sheep MY01 WRX WAGGON 08 360ste MY02 STi 09 Kev 580 MY02 STI Type UK 10 GaryD & lesley MY02 STI Type UK 11 hammy MY02 STI Type UK 12 SG MY02 STI Type UK 13 Dave (Helium) MY02 STI Type UK 14 CYP_rock MY02 STI Type UK 15 Scooby-Girl MY02 STI Type UK 16 mjci7nt2 MY02 STi7 WRX 17 ScubaRoo MY02 UK WRX Wagon 18 steve_nairn_sti MY02 WRX 19 Higgy MY02 WRX 20 Cal MY02 WRX 21 moto MY02 WRX 22 Rhindpiece MY02 WRX 23 Z1000 MY03 STI Type UK 24 Karps MY03 STI Type UK 25 ScOObarOO MY03 STI Type UK 26 Dean MY03 STI Type UK 27 MR Orkney MY03 STI Type UK 28 rallye 6 MY03 WRX 29 Stu_B MY03 WRX 30 Irish Al MY03 WRX 31 oobster MY03 WRX 32 bigbadboab MY03 WRX 33 DrewG MY03 WRX 34 Gogsie MY04 STI JDM 35 STi_Bandit MY04 STI Type UK 36 Fai 17 MY04 STI Type UK 37 Scoobymark MY04 STI Type UK 38 Dipsy MY05 JDM STi 39 G. Mac MY05 STI Type UK 40 Digital MY05 STI Type UK 41 Clutdav MY05 STI Type UK 42 Kebab Nemesis MY05 STI Type UK 43 Craig Mac MY05 STI Type UK 44 ali37 MY05 STI Type UK 45 Big Den MY05 STI Type UK 46 st3ph3n MY05 WRX 47 Mako MY05 WRX 48 Mrs Big Den MY05 WRX 49 scoobysailor MY05 WRX 50 PECO MY05 WRX 51 jimser MY05 WRX 52 Snoopy MY05 WRX 53 Gus the Bus MY05 WRX 300 54 Fraz. A MY05 WRX 300 55 craigwrx MY05 WRX 300 56 Zeolite MY05 WRX 300 57 Spaceman MY05 WRX swrt 58 4hero MY06 STI Type UK 59 STI Pretender MY06 STI Type UK 60 dynamix MY06 STI Type UK 61 b16dmc MY06 STI Type UK 62 TheBlackSheep MY06 STI Type UK 63 NKWRX MY06 WRX 64 The Welsho MY06 WRX 65 Nitchiec MY01 WRX UK300 66 Dietbruboy MY01 WRX Wagon Classics: No. Name YEAR MODEL 01 jodie typeRA MY92 type RA 02 Weeb MY93 STi power 03 scoobyfuzzy MY93 WRX 04 Todd MY93 WRX 05 Mako MY93 WRX 06 stevie 4 MY93 WRX TURBO 07 MY94 MY94 JDM STi V1 Wagon 08 WRXMANIA MY94 JDM WRX STI Version 1 09 John Stevenson MY94 RA 2.5 10 Road Warrior MY94 WRX 11 Redscoobydoo MY94 WRX 12 Redscoobydoo MY94 WRX STI 13 Gambler MY95 JDM WRX 14 Kenny. S MY95 STi Type RA 15 Ac!D MY95 UK 16 billyyoung MY95 UK 17 Gordyq MY95 WRX 18 FastScooby MY95 WRX 19 johnh MY95 WRX 20 neilswrx MY95 wrx import 21 Pongo MY96 STi TYPE RA 22 micra_wrc MY96 STi type RA V-Limited 23 Oz *sti* MY96 STI v3 24 jonnyb80 MY96 uk turbo 25 TheSquirrel555 MY96 WRX STI LIMITED 555 26 coulty MY96 WRX STI V2 27 Pugpaul MY96 WRX Wagon 28 pugpaul MY96 WRX WAGON 29 ScottySTI MY97 JDM STI v3 30 butcher boy MY97 JDM WRX 31 Ross9 MY97 STi4 Type R 32 WRC No1 MY97 UK 33 Catalunya80 MY97 UK Cat No. 80 34 Duncatr MY97 UK Cat No. 99 35 Simmie MY97 UK Turbo Wagon 36 John Stevenson MY97 UK Turbo Wagon 37 Arbroath Smokie MY98 22B 38 John Stevenson MY98 Secret Project 39 RubyTheScooby MY98 Sport 40 Carl Davey MY98 STi RA 41 Seafar99 MY98 STI v5 Wagon 42 Darryll MY98 Type R 43 scientific steve MY98 Type R 44 scoobykev MY98 UK 45 Terzo Neil MY98 UK Terzo No. 306 46 scoobyscoop MY98 UK Turbo Wagon 47 MrBadger MY98 UK Turbo Wagon 48 John Stevenson MY98 UK WR PPP 49 RRS 555 MY98 UKTURBO Saloon 50 SCOOBAY MY99 22B Type UK 51 mslorach MY99 RB5 No.41 52 Shep MY99 Sport 53 Smiler AS MY99 Sport 54 Bigdavie MY99 Turbo 55 Col 666 MY99 Type R 56 Jc scoob MY99 UK 57 Frank C MY99 UK Turbo 58 Stripe MY99 UK Turbo 59 RS Grant MY99 UK Turbo 60 philip_w MY99 UK Turbo 61 Whitelaw MY00 P1 62 Hepy MY00 P1 63 Rossco MY00 Type R 64 Kloon MY00 UK 65 Ally-b MY00 UK 66 Vicki MY00 UK 67 Dtabbit77 MY00 UK 68 Iqy MY00 UK Turbo 69 thefastone MY00 UK Turbo 70 Nanaki MY00 UK Turbo 71 Cullenmin MY00 UK Turbo 72 Fiefster MY00 UK Turbo Wagon
  7. Nice !!! That'll help get the power down to the rear wheels !!!!! [8-)] [] I wonder if would fit on the RS4 !!! If anyone is REALLY bored and enjoys photoshopping - have a go .... http://rides.webshots.com/album/554289467VNzsVC []
  8. p.s. I tend to use 30psi all round. Road and track. Last thing you need is a car behaving totally differently when you're pushing to the limit (IMHO!).
  9. Remember your pressures change hugely when the tyres get hot. Setting them to 30psi after you've been on track may be the equivalent of 25 or 26 when cold. The tyres also won't heat up at the same rate. The outers will likely get hotter, and read higher after you've been out.
  10. What's happened to all the W. Lothian boys that used to come through???? I've still got some cracking camera pics of the last one !!!! Think I'll post them if they don't come this time! []
  11. Ermm, could be !!! I've probably got enough bits lying around the garage to build another one though !!
  12. p.s. Subaru ownership not obligatory !! [:$] 1. kart_man 2. Johnny50
  13. Been chatting to Johnny50 and we decided it's really time for another 'old style' Edinburgh scooby meet!! None of this ordering a coke and driving home rubbish, but a proper beerage or 2 in town, and see where we end up. It could be one of Johnny's last nights out before he becomes dad, so who's up for it? Details will be agreed once we get a few names up (otherwise it's a candlelit table somewhere for the pair of us !!! []) Venue : A drinking establishment (or 2) in Edinburgh!! Date : Saturday, 7th October. Time : TBA []
  14. A more practical design won't do them any harm on the sales front either I don't think. Saloons are a pain in the ares sometimes!
  15. Definately sounds electrical and/or immobiliser related.
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