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Everything posted by dave-of-man

  1. evening all, what time and where from on the 3rd, i might be able to get a coach or two
  2. hi all, i've been ringing round and all the pubs have seating outside or play areas, some will allow kids in, as to how many, we hope to get to six, we will see how time is as we dont want to rush. pickup points and times to follow after i see richard,
  3. << Attending ScoobyFest; Dave K 1,2,3,4,5,6 & 7 Nick 1,3,5,6 & 7 Joel 1,4,5,6 & 7 Steve 3,5 & 7 Richard, 1,2,3,4,5,6 & 7 Mark 2,4 & 6 >> dave 1x2,3x1,5x2,6x2
  4. have signed up, if the speed limit goes through it would show that the gov dont give a hoot about the tourism in the future get rid of the f***in horse trams instead
  5. count myself and mandy in, as long as we dont go past summerhill, as i should be working,
  6. no just myself and richard at the grandstand, a young copper, annoyed that he couldn't keep up,
  7. thanks richard for a great day, i think fun was had by all, shame the boys in blue had to turn up, he did say that unless we slow down up on top, then they will make life difficult for us all, hope they torn out in something better than a focus, (he said we were racing, hope he's on on mad sunday) again thanks
  8. yes it was me at jurby, nice to see you there, i should be able to keep up with you all now ! your up there next week, is it sat or sun ? i'll come up to watch, but the wife says i've got to leave the cheque book at home, still i dont think the tyres would do another day dave
  9. Yep he's doing it (mrs dave-of-man here) but it's today not Sunday, i'm heading up there up there soon armed with camera & video cos there may be a chance of earning myself 250 quid!! (You've Been Framed??) Tee hee hee.......he had the restrictor removed yesterday but hasn't had the chance to try it out yet...........sorry Dave, i should have more faith in you.............i'll bring a you spare set of undies shall i?? LOL!!!!!
  10. me and mandy will tag along the more the merrier, count us in for lunch too.
  11. thanks for the reply, i've got the ticket now so i'll let you know how i get on !! you can add me to the list for the training day!! my delimiter should be here very soon
  12. has any one entered one of the jurby duke track days, if so are they any good, i'm booked in for one on march 27 it was a gift and i want to know what i've let my self in for !!!!!
  13. just let me know the dates and times and it's sorted. i'll put it in the book alot cheaper,
  14. hi richard, do you meen transport
  15. not a clue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. my rally days are over, i'm not sure what bits but its built in ireland to rally spec, just the engine, the rest of the car is standard, apart from the suspension, i'm also after some rotor disks
  17. a few rally bits here and there, all round !!!!!
  18. I would if i knew how, anyone got any hints to help me locate the nasty little critter and dispose of it? Once it's gone i can have a decent play on the mountain.....then i MIGHT be able to keep up with you all!! All i know about the car is that it has a high spec engine.
  19. YIPEEEEEEEEEE I've finally lost my forum virginity!! Thanks for the comment about the car but it'll be even better once i've figured out how to get the restricter off and also, it was dark!!
  20. You did get a response from the silver WRX large windscreen sticker..............but we must have been going too quick for you to notice!!! We pulled up at the Terminus but you went up Summerhill, we don't know everyone yet only those who were at the chinese, but we are friendly and we do let on!!
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