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Everything posted by SCOOBYTOO

  1. says the man who has been on the mlr and wound 'em up
  2. 1. Pele 2. Loony Toon 3. Granby 4. scoobytoo 5.shrek 6.deano 666 7. Monty (MOT permitting !) 8. Sheepie 9. taffr
  3. i only do dirty cars, can't stand clean and shiney cars
  4. kent scoobies up there on sunday, 10.30 live arena
  5. i don't think i would bother m8 with all the s**t on the roads.
  6. tbh don't know till tonight .havent been out in it since i fitted it............
  7. << Think we need to start a list of flamers Granby Scoobytoo dunks >> or a list of ones that flame
  8. have you got flames now??
  9. yes it does but only in the remote control
  10. looks like the P O CLASSICS will out number the real cars tonight then.
  11. You mean we have to pay to watch you doing donuts outrageous >> LOL that was very good for you mark this time of the day!! i've got a new toy to show off tonight
  12. don't forget your ski's oh and walkie squarkies
  13. 1. Granby 2. markie.....replacing sheepie 3. Baser999 4. Wedmonds 5. P*rnodan 6. Shrek 7. Dunks 8. Dalthegooner 9. Taffr and Debs 10. Loony Toon 11. dirtmonkey 12. T123VOR 13. Pele (who knows ) 14. Smiles & Mrs - with Santa's go faster bits on 15. scoobytoo
  14. i don't finish till 5.30 so hang on for me at the wharf..need fuel too!!
  15. << << better bring a brolly then >> Do you have a big brolly for the car >> no i've got a huge car cover though
  16. better bring a brolly then
  17. << Sorry everyone cant make this now >> and why bloody not mr S??
  18. ok kent get you fingers out we have company that night, so the more the merrier, esc are going to make an appearance too keep an eye out on THIS thread. heres how to get there too............ ame %20%20%3Dnewnham%2Bcourt%2Binn%26location%3DKent%26sc ram bleSeed%3D21296%26slscrambleSeed%3D&searchType=classic&panY=0&panX=0&nat_id=752307&location=KENT">nottcuts
  19. well there aren't any blue or white drops, so looks good to me
  20. Who says he's gonna be in his own car >>
  21. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what can i say?
  22. are you back from the antarctic yet?
  23. oi! classic boy! are you coming to suffend then?? oh and join up to this skype too, saves phone calls
  24. better late than never as long as the weather's ok, i'm in. 1. Granby 2. Sheepie 3. Baser999 4. Wedmonds 5. P*rnodan 6. Shrek 7. Dunks 8. Dalthegooner 9. Taffr and Debs 10. Loony Toon 11. dirtmonkey 12. T123VOR 13. Pele (who knows ) 14. Smiles & Mrs - with Santa's go faster bits on 15. scoobytoo
  25. just popping over to s/net. see if tiny has an answer back in a mo.
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