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Everything posted by SCOOBYTOO

  1. i've decided to decide i'm undecided at the moment
  2. nah, the others will be along later, just a bit slow m8, it's thier age[]
  3. just to throw a spanner in the works, what about later in the summer, june /july so we get better weather, maybe then leave early sat evening on shuttle stop over in ooh la la then drive down to where ever and back early sunday evening??????????????????? oh! that it will give mark time to dye his hair.[Y]
  4. 1. scoobytoo 2 x m. 2. markie 3. shrek - 1 x XXL + 1 x L 4. dunks - 1 m + 1 s 5. baser999 1 x XL 6. pele 7. loony toon 8. scuzz 9. scuzz(2) 10. T123vor 11. granby 12. ricky b. 13. dalthegooner 1 x M + 1 x XL 14. padtwo 1x L 15. scoots 1x L 16. damonhill 1x L 15. Damon Hill 1 x m
  5. typical classic owner................................ slow on the uptake[]
  6. i can do 30th april and i am working the next day. i can't do 28th may i'm working that too!
  7. That's what i did at tescos thurrock.[6]
  8. 1. scoobytoo 2 x m. 2. markie 3. shrek - 1 x XXL + 1 x L 4. dunks 5. baser999 1 x XL 6. pele 7. loony toon 8. scuzz 9. scuzz(2) 10. T123vor 11. granby 12. ricky b. 13. dalthegooner 1 x M + 1 x XL
  9. a day trip is enough for me ta [Y]
  10. 1. scoobytoo 2 x m. 2. markie 3. shrek - 1 x XXL + 1 x L 4. dunks 5. baser999 1 x L 6. pele 7. loony toon 8. scuzz 9. scuzz(2) 10. T123vor 11. granby 12. ricky b. 13. dalthegooner 1 x M + 1 x XL
  11. OK. The planned route for k/s is probably a hand over at Clackett Lane services M25 anti clockwise. My suggestion is that as we would be officially handing over to ESC at Thurrock. I propose to make a day of it. The convoy will be stopping over at PRODRIVE on the journey northbound so I though it would be fitting to stay with the convoy to this point. We could then maybe get a bite to eat somewhere (venue tba) and then head back home at our own leisure. I now need to start confirming definate no's for Saturday 6th May. Please add your name to the list if you will definately want to participate. As i've stated before you will not be able to take part in the relay unless you are displaying the official RBMR car stickers.these will cost £5.00 a pair and all profits going to cancer research ( if your name is on the list you will have automatically ordered 1 pair of RBMR stickers) There will also be official RBMR T shirts available soon at a cost of £15.50 each. plus P+P. when adding your name to the list please put down the number of T shirts required and the sizes. DEADLINE........ ALL FUNDS TO ME BEFORE 5TH APRIL PLEASE. CHEQUES MADE PAYABLE TO .....CHESHIRE AND DISTRICT SCOOBIES. DON'T FORGET IF YOU ARE HAVING T SHIRTS YOU STILL NEED TO PAY £5 FOR CAR STICKERS TOO. T shirt sizes available will be..... XS 34. P+P........ S 38. M 42. 1 SHIRT £3.50 L 46. 2 SHIRTS £7.00 XL 50. 3 SHIRTS £10.00 XXL 54. I will be collecting monies for the above at the next couple of meets so please make sure you have your monies then. if you are unable to get to a meet please pm me and forward cheques to me asap. THE OFFICIAL T SHIRT........... THE LIST............. 1. scoobytoo 2 x m. 2. markie 3. shrek 4. dunks 5. baser999 6. pele 7. loony toon 8. scuzz 9. scuzz(2) 10. T123vor 11. granby 12. ricky b. PLEASE KEEP 'EM COMING THE MORE THE MERRIER!
  12. 2 weeks today for this 1 who's coming then?
  13. go back into each post and click on the delete x button top left hand side next to quote and reply.
  14. Didnt have time to hoot mate....was travelling much faster than you[]and we were two lanes over also... and jon was only doing 50mph[sn] jon
  15. john , it's no good asking him yet. he won't be home for hours driving at his usual speed.
  16. [] after all that my man did work for eurostar.
  17. blimmey mark. when i saw the heading, i thought you got the [au] dirty[] best of luck mate, i'm sure kent scoobies wish you luck in your new venture[Y] just hurry up and buy that rb5. ps. be prepared to get a ribbing about the p o classics. dean.
  18. nice one ian, got to try and get one now. my wh smith never has it[:@]
  19. sorry yes euro tunnel.......... will speak to my man[Y]
  20. without a life jacket too[6]
  21. sunday is preferable for me too as i also work saturdays. i will make an enquiry into euro tunnel discount as i know someone who works there.
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