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Everything posted by SCOOBYTOO

  1. i thought jk did with £100 []
  2. is it the 20th then?[]
  3. dave, where ever we go you'll have to use thier karts you cant use that one you drive.[]
  4. andy, i would be up for bayford
  5. psml, i knew i recognised him from some where!
  6. cheers mark, 2 weeks today wahoooooooooooooooooooo!
  8. meet at M2 services 7.15pm london bound.
  9. bloody hell, thats scarey, I thought they had let pete into kent for a moment[]
  10. looks like there's only two members in kentscoobies then[]
  11. any more then?
  12. yes, one of those was me[:$]
  13. 1. Pele 2. Hol 3. Scoobytoo 4. Granby 5. Scuzz 6. Unsold Scooby Sheepie 7. Davegti 8. New Scooby 05 9. Shrek 10. Micky W 11. Prodrive Tony 12. Dunks 12a.baser 999 14. markie
  14. lol. yes i've just been on s/net and noticed its the 20th, not 26th. sh!t thats 7 whole days left to get the car clean[:@]
  15. japfest isn't untill 20th may, so i'd leave it a bit longer than than that m8
  16. barry you normally get them 7-14 days before.
  17. no probs barry, i will sort it with ian.
  18. As above great news if your going to this now................ Hello again People, Ok I’ve been keeping this up my sleeve until now but I want to let you all know how we are getting on overall with the relay. There is now media interest, and I’ve been told that 5th gear covering the run. VBH is reputed to be attending at Prodrive and will do a stint on the run from there up. Details are sketchy as always with this sort of thing so if that’s a no show then don’t lynch me from Prodrives flagpole. I have spoken to Richards’s father, Alex, a number of times by telephone and he would like to bring one of Richards cars from Autosportif up to Banbury, And meet us all. I am really looking forward to finally meeting him. Thank you to the Mark C at the RB5OC for bringing us all together. I have just missed a couple of times the man I need to talk to at Prodrive, but he is aware what is going on and hopefully I can get him tomorrow, like I say we just need to cross the Ts and dot the Is. He who plans early plans twice, and all that good stuff. Kames, our staging post into Gods country has become bigger than Ben Hur, I wont steal Scoobays thunder, but he has done an absolutely formidable job there, go to scottishscoobies events thread and see what he has been up to, there is all sorts going on there all day, including rides in rally cars. Del you’re a star. JOG, is still getting the final polish, unfortunately the people who were to do that end have had family commitments pop up. Hopefully someone local will help, but im sure we can make our own entertainment if a reception cannot be sorted. Im damned if im going to let that spoil our moment of triumph. Bob, the registration and T shirts would not be what they are without your dedication and diligence. I couldn’t have handled that as well, it’s a mammoth task, the help and advice as well has always been fantastic. Subaru UK are giving us a spec D to lead the convoy, Ill start pumping them tomorrow as well. And if Shell won’t sponsor the fuel Im sure BP will, I’ve been very disappointed with Shell UK so far, but perhaps I haven’t been trying to blackmail the right people. All the relay stations are coming in and the picture is now clear. There is just a gap between Kames and Aviemore that needs plugged. You know who you are, lets have it sorted out. Im sure there is a plan, however If we don’t know then it’s still a gap. That’s it. This has taken over my life for the past 4 months. I’m sure once the dust settles there will be “You could have done this, you could have done that….” Well I’ve done my best and from where I stand it looks pretty good. The media knows we are happening; it’s up to them now. Let’s make the final push, give our sponsors something to show off, give cancer research something to really help them. And give one of Britain’s finest Drivers a memorial Relay to be proud of. Callum W (PS get your Grannies online and digging deep on the justgive website!!)
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