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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. sorry to hear about your 1st bump Alan/Jen. pleased to hear about your 2nd LoL soo didnt follow that, even after reading it 3 times. can you draw a wee diagram for me PMSL
  2. looking for someone to fit a car stereo in a colleague's car in Glasgow? he's got a fancy foldy-up screen head unit, a receiver and what I can gather a bunch of thick and long cables to connect the two. Squirrel did my stereo-installs but figure that he wont be able to do this one. anyone know anywhere that does a good job at a good price?
  3. hmmmmm a bit far to travel for a curry. You guys better post pics up LoL btw, i'm female..... and have a STi RA V-Limited so i guess the motorway miles will drone on and on []
  4. i bought grant a pair of Oakleys couple years back and he thinks they are great. He got the ones where the lens curves round to cover the entire eye - cuts out light coming in at the side of the shades.... perfect for driving.
  5. LoL if your night out is as fun as this thread i think i want to come too...... []
  6. those recaro seats are cool. strange how the prices are not easily found (gave up looking after 20 seconds hunting for it). That means its expensive
  7. noticed from TG that we can get 15% off AA membership if you are a SIDC member. just called them up and got the discount off my policy - t'was due for renewal start of Feb []
  8. its dissappointing/ironic when you read that they need more members to submit articles [] The 2 articles that I had submitted (Sept run and starting up SS clothing) never made it into the mag. Its possible that I missed the deadline for the Sept run to go into this version so fair enough. But it does seem to me that the focus is squarely focussed on stuff happening down south. Agree 100% with what Gus and Ally has said but a bit of recognition for Scottish Scoobies would be nice, considering that the number of threads we've got outnumbers all other regions put together x4 and even the main "For Sale" section of the club []
  9. Craig has my write up of the Sept run made it? at work the now so cant check
  10. no probs. i had to double check for myself too []
  11. aye but they are on different threads... one wanting to sell and one wanting to buy []
  12. bit of a long shot but there's a newbie wanting to sell a 2001 sport classic..........CLICKY
  13. will there be a fix to avoid scrolling up to the top of the page to get to other sections of the forum? I dont like clicking the Back button cos then the thread I just left is still highlighted with New Posts. am finding myself doing this on other sites then realise halfway up the page that i could have got back from the links at the bottom of the page, leaving me dithering whether to continue scrolling up or to Page Down to get to the clicky [:S]
  14. i guess that your "able assistant" must be tall enough to reach the centre of the windscreen......... so thats me out then hahaha []
  15. Hi Ron, you've found the right forum for some scooby fun in Scotland [] if you let any of us know when you will be here and for how long we'll try and get a few of us round to take you out for a spin
  16. nice pics. Where abouts did you go? I was up in the Trossachs this weekend, didnt get any frost at all [*-)]
  17. 1/ IrishAl (paid) 2/ scientific steve (paid) 3/ ally-b 4/ dougie c (paid) 5/ dougie c (paid) 6/ young-buck27 (paid) 7/ james666 The hats I have are now sold out but dont worry if you think you have missed them, I'll be doing another clothing order in the Easter time and you can get them then [] re ally-b's comment about models for the hats, i think i might pass on that and just have a pic of the hat to go into the catalogue[]
  18. Hi Craig, You can either PayPal me or send me a cheque. Send me a Private Message and we can sort out the details. 1/ IrishAl (paid) 2/ scientific steve (paid) 3/ ally-b 4/ dougie c 5/ dougie c
  19. 1/ IrishAl (paid) 2/ scientific steve (paid) 3/ ally-b
  20. I have 7 Scottish Scoobies hats for sale just now...... no waiting [] These are pucker Thinsulate hats which are fleece lined and keeps your ears nice and toastie. Navy with silver/white logo only. One size literally fits all as it is stretchable (the one I got for me fits fine and I dont think Squirrel has taken his off since he got it) £10 each and add £5 if you want me to post it to you. First come first served Dale (TheFastOne) and Neil (4hero) ........ can you PM me your postal addresses so I can get your free ones to you []
  21. this thread is going to be a pain if the scrolling-left-and-right-to-view-pictures thing aint fixed [] i'm well chuffed with the rainbow pic and wanted to re-post it []
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