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Posts posted by micra_wrc

  1. aye, the Jim Bamber Heroes collection was launched at the McRae Forest stages last month and they are fab.

    the models have the Bamber tongue-in-cheek design and the kids clothing is of very good quality,

    the fleeces are warm and fluffy enough to keep the little ones warm if they need to go out in the cold.

  2. aye its expensive.

    the RA came with a tracker unit already installed so I had to pay a fee to register it with my details and then an annual fee to subscribe, about £120 odd from what I remember.

    wanted to get it serviced and they charged me another £80 for sending a chap out to do it.

    have had problems in the past with their finance dept,

    it seems that the Tracker company have outsourced billing and taking payment to a third party, how daft is that?! :D

  3. its hard to dodge smokers now that they're forced to smoke on the street

    my list includes

    - stupid commuters that get in my way when I get on/off the bus

    - stupid commuters that talk so loudly on their mobile that its hard NOT to listen in to their conversation

    - people that dont know how to use an umbrella and hold it at such an angle you just know you're going to walk into it

    - the sudden increase of girls with fake blond hair, fake tan + heavy makeup

    - the smell of cigarette ends burning each other in the ashtray-bit of bins

    motoring ones include

    - folk that don't queue at individual pumps in the petrol station but wait at the entrance, blocking me from getting into the station

    - folk that sit at traffic lights with their foot on the brake. use the handbrake and stop blinding me with your rear brake lights

  4. came home to find the Nov/Dec issue of Total Impreza at the door :P

    good article about this photoshoot, it got more coverage than the Falkirk Wheel event

    most of the pictures in the mag seemed to have a red classic wagon near the camera lens :)

    one of the perks of being car number 1 i guess.

    Bobby "2 scoobs" C got a message of thanks for organising us

  5. Peter,

    good to see you're doing this charity night this year :)

    lets hope the date for the Gla santa cruise is after the 11th Dec lol

    I'll sell the raffle tickets at other meets for you, will start with the karting on Sunday...

    I'll even buy the books of tickets for you :P

    Attendance lists:

    1. McTwist

    2. Mrs McTwist

    3. Greersport

    4. Mrs Greersport

    5. Meercat Exhaust

    6. Mrs Meercat

    7. Grant

    8. Imy

  6. i've not driven a hatch STi but was following Glyn (balliSTic on here) up to Alford through the Glenshee road and his car looked very stable and planted through the corners.

    I'm not sure what mods he's done but it looked and handled great.

  7. hi,

    we're not doing any more subaru-only McRae events,

    the Gathering was a one off and we handed over the cheque in August.

    Grant and I are still involved in helping the family out and are usually found at the McRae Vision retail unit at rally events.

    hope this helps,


  8. TV coverage of the McRae Stages + Scottish Rally Championship is scheduled for 5:30pm on BBC2 on Sunday

    CLICK here for a trailer

    wonder if they'll use the footage that the ex-rugby player now commentator chap shot outside the Vision retail unit at Aberfeldy on Saturday...

    they may have to edit the dialogue/banter between Euan and Dave first :thumbup:

    remember the clocks go forward this weekend


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