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Everything posted by gumballamg

  1. Why are you holding up a Porsche ??? Winston definitely wants a word with your bottom for that !!!!
  2. LOL. Mr Shanks will be a good RO. Its nothing something i have the time for anymore, even if it were decided i could pretend to behave. Good luck men.
  3. You've ruined this club !!!
  4. Is if cos you can't handle the pressure of organising 3 tables in the farmers feast once a month? Ill do it. Ill be an RO for Glasgow as of tomorrow. Good luck
  5. Hi, Can understand the overwhelming concerns and questions. its a big leap taking your car on track for a number of reasons: - will people crash into me - will i crash into them - will i be OK at it - i dont know what i am doing - what about the wear on my car - what about insurance - what about fuel - what happens if my car pops - what do i need You could get yourself into a royal funk about it when really just think of this 1. Buy your ticket 2. Check over your car for leaks, faults, issues 3. Either buy or dont buy track insurance 4. Wear long sleeves 5. Take money for refreshments & helmet hire 6. Fill up the car at Powmill before hand 7. go out on track at your own pace 8. follow what other people do 9. dont get cocky 10. have fun !!!
  6. I've the same problem. Everytime I wanna do something she tells me I can't Puts a stop to everything
  7. C63 AMG remapped with AMG black settings + CLK throttle + delimited to 400kph That's what was given to me today. Thanks DMS Automotive Night
  8. I'm gonna take the AMG and drift that bitch
  9. Good to meet old and new folks today, and some I didn't know ;-) If you feel it bending out of shape....nail it. Lol. Photos and videos please
  10. It starts at Glasgow and finishes at kames
  11. Hi, So far we have 26 people give or take, attending the event. I think we should be driving even higher numbers so looking for new additions to this list please. On the day you will: - Be part of a huge show of respect to one of our friends from the club - Raise money for Higgys fund which his fiance will use to invest in something for her local community - Get to meet familiar and new faces - Get to attend a great SIDC event in Scotland - Explore some of the great scenery that lies ahead - Be given a sticker to mark and remember the occassion - Be able to say 'yeah i went to that' - Have fun Secondly Can the people who have listed their names already, re-visit the thread and put your name in a group, so the organisers can aim off in terms of management of each group. Thanks Gumball
  12. Nice topic, like the change.
  13. Very nice looking car !!
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