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blue boy

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About blue boy

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  1. Thanks Paul! Another year older and deeper in debt! LOL!!!!!!
  2. Welcome, why not come to one of our meets?
  3. My God seems like an age ago
  4. Same to you chaps & chapesses
  5. Next Meets the 16th Mate post on www.cadscoobies.com/forum
  6. Agree Paul but it's up to the SIDC to sort its issues. I have asked for moderator status in the CADS section .....................Nada Nothing (mind you I haven't got it on the CADS Forum, but feel the Andy's are doing a good job. As previously stated I still post on SIDC but on the CADS as well.
  7. Are you going to join us on a CADS Meet Phil?
  8. Are you going to join us at a CADS Meet?
  9. Are you going to come to a meet Si?
  10. Are you going to join us at a CADS Meet Kevmondo?
  11. http://bbs.scoobynet.com/news-announcement...nouncement.html
  12. That's what Paul's talking about Nige, although I feel the same as you I'm making an effort to keep posting on the SIDC Forum. However if the expected influx of people from Scoobynet occurs following its sale, we'll know even less as a percentage of the people on there.
  13. Definitely
  14. Chill Andy I don't think Paul was that against it, more concerned that we could be drawn away from the SIDC Forum
  15. They were my initial thoughts too Paul, however it does give us a lot more Sections, our own Moderators ([God Help Us All] in the Two Ronnies .............sorry Andys ) I would point out that most CADS Members are SIDC Members too (In fact they need more than a note from their Mum if they are not) and we actively promote the SIDC at our meets, especially as I'm keen to get as much circulation for True Grip as possible The CADS Forum in no way is designed to replace the CADS section on the SIDC but rather compliment it and hopefully help us attract new blood and hence eventally the SIDC. It also enables us to sell CADS Clothing thus promoting the CADS and eventually the SIDC. Don't forget other Regional Groups have their own forums too. I hope we'll see you on the CADS Forum soon if only occassionally Paul and certainly would like to see you and Debs at the next meet. See http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=108688 I hope I didn't singe your flame suit at all!
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