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Everything posted by lister100

  1. Nice one fella! Beam me up Scotty :
  2. What about the snow? Any good in that?
  3. Woo! That's one big mother!
  4. He's a top bloke! Highly recommend from the guys at Scoobycity (suffolk, norfolk). Will be in safe hands :-) Phil
  5. Phil, if your interested got a meeting with fellow scooby drivers on 21st august at the thrasher in Ipswich. Have a look at scoobycity.co.uk and join in. Phil
  6. One other thing. It maybe the springs holding the pads down. If they are not tight enough it could lead to pad movement at stopping. Worth a look.
  7. Sorry to here about theft. I have a small combination safe in my cupboard and my car keys go in there. So they are safe and sound. I tried to hide keys in past, just found safe fastest way to get keys /wallet etc on way out. Hope your car sorted soon.
  8. I had the same problem. Just one rear pad started to click, really annoying. What i did was to swap the pad over as just one seemed to have a little free play but nothing wrong with it. It did the trick until i replaced pads.
  9. Don't forget kumho le sport, best kumho's you can get. Really good on my blob Wrx and stick really well. Only about 90 quid each.
  10. Hi, that's a very good deal. Admiral would insure me on multi car but really high price now with tesco at 450 quid for Wrx. Cheers Phil
  11. Many thanks for info. Thanks
  12. Hi all, just wondering if there are many keen WRX drivers in the Ipswich area and if involved in any upcoming meetings? Only owned impreza for about 6 months so still quite a newby. Cheers
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