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Everything posted by andrew_lally

  1. Hey guys...up at knockhill and today and fornt driver side wheel decided it was going for a wee jaunt on its own....hahahahaha....some nitice would have been nice....hahaha So any help with sourcing a white wing for a my96 wrx jap import would be greatly appreciated!!!!
  2. Just e-mailed you mate...my tel number is 01592 756398......give me a call with your address and i will pick them up tonite if thats ok....desperate for them for tommorrows knockhill session!!!! andy
  3. baldyadonis@hotmail.com.....i will have them for the track dude...needing a spare set to stick some slicks on
  4. They for an old my96 jap import wrx....totally destroyed two sets o discs so far......so the ap's aint that pricey when you add up £200 twice in two months.....knockhill is a killer on brakes.....managing to get round in 1.04s on subaru 2 pots....so these should shave off another sec at least.....cant wait till sunday now.....hot hatch days rule!!!!
  5. Bought the ap 6 pots...they too pretty to put on hahahahaha.....330mm grooved discs.....they massive....had to go get a set o 17s to fit them under hahahaha
  6. Cmon guys....help me out here....im sure most o the scoobie lads have upgraded brakes at some point due the poor OEM brakes!!!
  7. get a grip you big girls........dump valves are the buisness.......let it blow up......id rather that, than not hear it it wooooooooooosh all f$@kin day......woohoo
  8. looking for a high end brake upgrade and thinking o going all out on a set o ap 6 pots...anyone got any advice or recomendations?????????
  9. 30th good for me dude.....then knockhill on the 2nd may....woohoo.....bought a set o ap 6pots.....they awesome and thats even before i got them fitted hahahahaha....lovely piece o kit!!!!
  10. Would be interested in coming along and getting mines done too dude....and my two mates are into it....maybe a wee group discount on the cards woohoo....
  11. Deal....added you to ma msn list....hope you dont mind...trying to communicate over these forums is very slow hahahahahaha
  12. Where you coming from mate........tyres really not that important as i have a set o slicks to go on them .....but i suppose if there is some tread they will be used somewhere along the line....cause the scoob likes tyres....hahahahahhaha.......hows 75 quid sound.....
  13. superb dude......just name your price.....any pics????
  14. bit slower but still good fun.....woohoo.....you got msn installed yet.....hahahaha
  15. needin a set o 15's for the track.....anyone selling can pm me or phone 01592 756398....im in the fife area but willing to travel......cheers
  16. skylines are awesome....got a drive in one at powervehicles in loanhead.......627bhp at 1.4 bar o boost.....man it was a real quick machine!!!!
  17. hey brian......hows you???? yes i think the cossie is going up dude.....listen...you need to install msn messenger and we can get a blether and send pics etc....just put msn messenger into your search engine and download it.....its well cool........gonna take the old cavy to the hot hatch banger racing.....its had more hits than the beatles hahahahaha.....you up for it??????????
  18. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  19. he says they way too slow.....hahahahhaha
  20. You got prices in mind dude....would be VERY!!! interested in purchasing the job lot!!
  21. Anyone got and idea when the track days have been organised for this year????????? and can non sidc members join the fun....mate was intersested in coming up in his cossie to show you all how its done hahahahaha.....so he thinks!!!
  22. That you brian....hahhahahaha......all good fun.....the rain made the handling a bit of a handfull......im sure you will enjoy the 2nd o may.....might take the old cavalier up on 17th for the next hot hatch.....not going to take the scoob on till i get my brakes upgraded....dont want to wreck yet another set o black diamonds....thought they would last more than 300 miles hahahhahahaha Dont think any o the boys are into the hot hatch days with their pride and joys but have to say that they are much more fun than the hot marques.....woohoo
  23. Hey guys....just wondering if any of you men take your scoobs up to the hot hatch days....would be a good opportunity to get some cam footage and compare performance on track....... any takers??????????????
  24. Yes the car has an aftermarket dump valve.....you say this may the problem......could you explain how this would happen????
  25. Cheers dude.....i got some superb camcorder footage.....what were you driving and i will see if i got any shots of you on disc!!!
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