Morning all, i'm thinking about getting back into Scooby ownership but was thinking about a Forester Turbo this time..
Anyone got one, anyone give me there thoughts on the car.. Reviews etc.
I had a Turbo Wagon last year for about six months, i regret getting rid of it but due to the usual, high fuel consumption it had to go. Her indoors wasn't chuffed with the monthly fuel bills, but what a car..
So i was thinking i could dupe her into thinking the Forester was a Freelander-esque type motor and not the gas-guzzler rally mota like it's wee brother the Impreza.. (yes - she believes everything i say, and she cooks, cleans and is pretty, not many like her to the pound)
I'll be looking at the 177bhp model, not one of the new 2.5 modelss, but i can't find much out about it.. I'd rather know from owners than some magazine what they think of it... But i'm sure if it's just an Impreza underneath, with the same engine but slightly detuned the cost of ownership will be roughly the same as the old wagon i used to have.
Oh, i'm selling ma MGB V8 (original factory) to partially fund this - if i go ahead and get one.
Anyone fancy a brutish 76 V8 MG... TVR's are fur girls, this is a mans car... An Auld Mans car, i agree.