Hi all,
I have arranged for a Rolling Road Shootout to be held at Scooby Clinic on Saturday 20th August, not only that but a BBQ will be smoldering away as well.
Even if you dont fancy putting your car on the rolling road, please still come along to the meet as this is a brilliant opportunity to have a chin wag with Kev and the super talented lads at Scooby Clinic and grab any advice you might be after( as well as a good opportunity for us all to catch up over a burger or two!)
Everyone is welcome to this day out, there is a limit of fifteen cars for the Dyno but no limit for the BBQ and meet.
Kev has very kindly offered the rolling road for £35 per scoob, which is at quite a discount from their normal rates.
As you will already know these lads are very well respected tuners in the scooby world so this is an opportunity not to be missed (as if the offer of a BBQ is not enough).
Times have not been finalised yet but I will let you know asap.
Can people please add their names to the list so we can get an idea of numbers -
1 - Warrior08
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3 -
4 -