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Everything posted by warrior08

  1. Hi all, I have arranged for a Rolling Road Shootout to be held at Scooby Clinic on Saturday 20th August, not only that but a BBQ will be smoldering away as well. Even if you dont fancy putting your car on the rolling road, please still come along to the meet as this is a brilliant opportunity to have a chin wag with Kev and the super talented lads at Scooby Clinic and grab any advice you might be after( as well as a good opportunity for us all to catch up over a burger or two!) Everyone is welcome to this day out, there is a limit of fifteen cars for the Dyno but no limit for the BBQ and meet. Kev has very kindly offered the rolling road for £35 per scoob, which is at quite a discount from their normal rates. As you will already know these lads are very well respected tuners in the scooby world so this is an opportunity not to be missed (as if the offer of a BBQ is not enough). Times have not been finalised yet but I will let you know asap. Can people please add their names to the list so we can get an idea of numbers - 1 - Warrior08 2 - 3 - 4 -
  2. Hi all, I know Derbyshire is not strictly North East but I thought I would put up a post just to say that I am looking at arranging some events/meets in and around Derbyshire so if any of you would like to join us please feel free - the more the merrier! As soon as I finalise the details I will post the info up. Cheers for now, Mark.
  3. Full marks to the hotel, that looks like some buffet!
  4. +1 even not being able to make it at the last minute, its been fantastic to watch the day develop from what started off as a small request to an epic display of how the club can pull together to support such a worthy cause. Alot of credit is deserved by Stu but also to everyone else that turned up or contributed, and of course Gerry who started it all off.
  5. Looks like a fantastic turn out, bet he was over the moon! Did the weather hold out for you?
  6. We want pics! Welldone to you all any way. Top job.
  7. Just wanted to say good luck to you all for tomorrow, its a fantastic achievment and really shows what the club is about. Main thing is to have fun and then at the end of the day sit back and reflect on how happy you have made a young lad. So annoyed that i cant be there, looks set to be a fantastic day. Have fun
  8. Just be carefull when you unwrap it, the glass is not secured into the frame.
  9. Window stickers look brill Stu! Has that package arrived?
  10. Good work Stu. I think it will be better all pulling up outside his house. Should make for a bigger suprise.
  11. I wonder if the OP realised what he was about to unleash with all this?!
  12. A BIG thankyou to Kev at Scoobyclinic, he has donated some stickers and a T - shirt. I'll pick them up monday and bring them down with me.
  13. This is turning into something rather special!
  14. That sounds like a plan to me!
  15. What with travelling a fair distance just to get to Exeter services, I think I'm going to treat myself to a night at the local travel lodge for the saturday night. Cant wait for it though! Just shows how compassionate people can be. Just hoping now that if I clean the car saturday morning it might still look something like for the big event.
  16. Are you still aiming for Sunday 17th? If so I think I might have to have a run down. If i can make it I will be coming down from the Peak Distict so am i likely to drive near any convoy start points? Cheers
  17. Dont know what you guys think but if you want I could get a friend to make one of these up as a framed print and whoevers going down could present it to him - Let me know if you want it done,
  18. Can we make him an honorary member of SIDC? Just a thought.
  19. Absolutly brilliant how everyone has got behind such a worthy cause, if i wasn't all the way up in the Peak District then i would have joined you all for sure. It will blow the little lads mind when he looks out of his window! Ps. I have my WRX bonnet scoop available if you think he would like it, might make a good souvenir. Let me know and i can post it to whoever is going down.
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