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About MDScooby

  1. MDScooby


    If you still looking for a good mapper then try Bob Rawle from BR Developments
  2. Sup Scooby lovers Who's up for a meet this month usual place the Red Lion in Grantchester at the usual time of 7:30pm on the 26th April. Mark
  3. Everyones welcome dude no matter where they come from
  4. Hi Guys Who's up for a meet this month usual place the Red Lion in Grantchester at the usual time of 7:30pm on the 29th March
  5. The reason i decided to do this thread was because when i post the threads for the monthly meets in Cambridge there are always over 150+ views which kinda indicates some sort of interest in meets, so i took the assumption that there might be some interest in a meet for Herts and Beds.
  6. Hi Everyone As most people probably see on the forum there is meet over in Grantchester (Cambridge aarea) at the end of each month. I know there are alot of people in Herts and Beds who own scoobys but don't really want to travel that far for a meet so i thought i'd throw the idea out to the crowd to see if anyone was interested in a meet for people in the Herts and Beds area. If you are interested in this, post your details in the thread and we can arrange something in the coming weeks. I haven't thought of any particular locations yet in order to hold the meet so any ideas are welcome. Would be good to meet up with a large group of scooby enthusiasts on a regular basis. Cheers Mark
  7. About time you got your butt on here dude lol You do realise its mandatory to post pics of your car up on here
  8. So what do people want to do about the meet tomorrow 1) Stick to Grantchester as per usual 2) Leave it for this month
  9. Hi Stephen, not a problem we can hold the one next month in Grantchester if that would be helpful to you. No more takers for this months meet yet?
  10. Hi Guys This months meet will be on the 22nd Feb at the usual time of 7:30pm. As agreed at Januarys meet we are going to try a different location this month for a spot of variety, see the details below: The Jolly Waggoner Ardeley Hertfordshire SG2 7AH Their special on a Tuesday is beer battered haddock and hand cut chips for £5.75 but other food is available if required. For those coming from the Cambridge area its not far from the A10 you can easily find the directions on Google Maps. Its not usually to busy during the week so the small car park the pub has should be fairly empty for all our cars. Hopefully we'll see GUMBALL this month in his RB320. If you have any questions post on this thread or send me a message. Cheers Mark
  11. Ok guys we'll do the Red Lion at Granchester this month and discuss other possible locations on the night see what the concensus is.
  12. sounds good to me wouldn't mind seeing what state the cars in, when where you planning on doing this
  13. Had an idea about changing the location every month to give a bit of variety. There's a really nice pub in Ardeley, good food and good beer and alot of good windy country roads to blast along (did it last night was a good crack). Wasn't sure what people thought of the idea. The pubs link cheers Mark
  14. Alright everyone Happy New Year and all that Who's up for a meet at the usual haunt this month Mark
  15. Sounds good to me but i think i'm out in the evening unless you want to do it during the day :kerstsmiley:
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