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Everything posted by ant84

  1. vimmy if u still have the bike if uve still got it o btw is a mens frame or boys, only ask the link u sent me b4 was of a boys frame cheers buddy
  2. ive had a sleep on it now, we might still be moving were not sure but after my wages came through i cant finacaly keep my car now, im not happy but if anyone is intrested than please get in touch. i couldnt even afford to go look at the house today well annoyed now. but its 100% up for sale.
  3. lol if its going free then that would be great but i cant afford to buy another car mate.
  4. any how advice about car situation is what i was looking for lol
  5. were looking at the priory vale (new build area) right next door to the wallmart. weve been told the good and bad parts and this the best area by far. we wouldnt want to live in a **** hole or somewere with a high crime rate. at the mo were having to put up with next door to pissheads/druggys and a pub a few hundred yards away with the garentie of police there every fri, sat and sunday nite, plus the court is round the corner and the police station so all the pissed off people come out and stop outsid our house as its just out of view from the station. its **** were we are now and dont get me started on the house christ its bad! lol just a few reason why we want to move to the NICE area of swindon.
  6. the situation im in is a very sticky one. we want to move to swindon but i want to keep my current job in abingdon and with my heavy foot(even driving normal the extra distance will cost more) fuel cost a mth would double and we would never be able to afford it. plus my wife needs to pass her test and if i add her to my insurnace it goes up loads to much for me to pay every mth for her to be on it. so it looks if i move to swindon im going to have to sell the scooby till i get transfured to the swindon store and jade passes her test then i can buy a turbo!!. i would buy another car for her to learn in and me to commute but with moving house etc i cant afford it. so there is a plus point in all this but its gonna be a while b4 i get another scooby. hmmm so next car is going to be probs a golf mk4 tdi or a 1.6 not sure but thats wot ive got in mind if i have to sell. any words of wisdom for you girls and guys?
  7. sorry i couldnt turn up my sis had come up to visit and spent the weekend with her. will hopfuly make next one or a mini meet. hope some one took pics
  8. no mate i didnt coz they had music playing for the whole 24hrs and i wasent htere from 4-11pm im in this afternoon and im off work from 2mora for 11days so feel free to give me a text to see if im about
  9. pics up or pop round buddy would like to the see the new exhaust mate
  10. weres tony from? im doing it with a group called the THONGRANGERS we are a local based group from didcot oxfordshire, today as i type the team are doing a 24hr kerb relay (85lb kerb stone) on there shoulder up and down a stretch coving about 1/4 mile in a relay fashon for a sick baby unit in oxford hospital. btw i would be doing it but im training for the bike ride and didnt want to injour myself
  11. man i can wait to go to the bonny land in august, im doing a charity bike ride so be good to see all these views in person and well done btw for driving up there bud
  12. anyone been pasted yet? ive seen 3 scoobys so far 2 green (1 with a buckled rear wheel) and one black one
  13. he will indeed be there
  14. hi guys and girls, im part of a group called THE DIDCOT THONG RANGERS! we raise money for alsorts of charitys from individual causes to well known charitys like our next event for SNAPP. our next event: 24hr yes 24hr kerb relay!!! this in support of SNAPP in the oxford john radcliff hospital, basicly the guys will be carrying a 85lb solid concrete kerb stone on there shoulder in a relay style for 24hrs outside the malbourgh club in didcotfrom 12midday on the 29th may to 12midday on the 30th id be very grateful for as many scooby owners in the area to be able to show there support for us guys. Im not personaly doing this event, even though id love to im currently getting my self for another big event comming up. If anyone would like to donate to the event then please feel free to pop down on either of the days or use the website, i will be there at some point defo on day one till 4ish and in the evening again and then back again early hours eg 5-6am till hopfuly finish. http://www.thongrangers.co.uk/ and if you look up thongrangers on facebook we are on there as well. hope this is ok to put this up on here and ill be looking forward in seeing some scoobys drive past or even pop over to say hello and cheer on the guys
  15. thanks buddy once u know pm me ur price cheers
  16. so what price u looking for it? i wont be able to buy it till next pay early june but if its the right price i would love to have it off your hands.
  17. is that bike on ebay urs or just an example?
  18. waht make and modle is it ill look it up on google and how old is it and what kinda price u looking at ive got a very tight budget till next payday
  19. could someone explain as im confused lol
  20. black bug eye with gold wheels going past the armybase going into town at about 4pm ish
  21. yes mate but no one has got back to us, supprised realy as i need to train for this chairty bike ride and havent got a bike lol even if i can borrow one for a couple of mths would be great im just going to be riding to and from abingdon or villages near by to train my body for the 2000miles ive gotta do. didcot-landsend-johnagrotes back to didcot over 5-7days
  22. a mountain bike that no one wants or wants very little for can collect most places in oxfordshire or swindon at a push. im training for a chairty bike ride 2k long need to get on a bike again as well as in the gym.
  23. the graphics will finish the car off, otherwise they good
  24. well if they are paying mine needs loads doing to it so they can have a field day on it lol
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