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About nightmare

  1. http://www.batmanuk.com/ 50 quid
  2. buy a sti newage bottom end and fire it all toghether you should pick one up from sw motorsports
  3. gunmetal go for the stealth look and get those rear windows tinted spot on car
  4. http://www.acetyresfalkirk.co.uk/tyres.html
  5. duncan at hypertech can do them for you and wrap them
  6. save your pennies on the headers and buy a harvey uppipe and just get yours ported your headers are good for way above 350
  7. save some more and get it right the first time round you can get a decent bug import for 5k and with the import you get the twin scroll setup which is even better. here this is a bargain and looks like a deal could be done http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2002-SUBARU-IMPREZA-WRX-STI-TYPE-UK-BLUE-BLACK-/270702903433?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item3f07268089
  8. the sti will take 420 bhp and 405 torque in it.s stride mate been there done it with the bugeye sti it has to be the bargain performance car of the decade.
  9. there is just to much bull**** on here from the same old faces he can,t do this and he can,t do that instead of letting people have fun that,s why you get the same names answering post after post there is just to many people full of themselfs on here you may always get new peeps joing but how long will they be around for not long me thinks. :wave:
  10. :icon_butt: http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/2145209.htm
  11. in all honesty mate the good old i,ll be seeing you about to him won,t go a miss if that were someone saying that to me well let,s just say my old man and 2 brother,s would be taking the guy away for the day i,am just glad your family are fine fella chin up
  12. try mark at lateral performance for your internals he is not that bad price wise
  13. kenny were did you buy your block from
  14. another cumbernauld fellow it,s had a few nice mods including a 2.5 block etc.
  15. there was probarbly a better chance of the drunk guy making it home safe than those 2 twats that crashed his car
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