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Everything posted by 4Hero

  1. What a great day, perfect weather for it too (not). Everyone had a good time though, which is what it's all about. It was good to put even more faces to names too. Thanks to Graham (FastScooby) and Cal for taking a couple of us around the track, maybe I'll get a wee run next time [] Also, thanks to Graham's wife for the coffee! Update: There's now a wee video compilation of photos and videos, don't laugh, it's my first time using the software [] Here are a few piccies. Neil.
  2. What a bunch of pains in the bum. A caution would have been nice. Sorry to hear that mate []
  3. JC, you shouldn't blame yourself. That photo was the funniest thing I, and I am sure others, had seen for a long time. It was a great find [] mind you, this photo will be giving me nightmares for weeks
  4. Some great shots there John, keep up the good work [Y]
  5. After a period of time (can't remember how many years) certain things come into the public domain. Movies is one of them and there are lots over at Archive.org. Just browse the collection, select the movie then download where the arrow points to! Don't say I'm not good to you []
  6. What does that say on the guys jacket [] Nice shot!
  7. nasty, lol, great tip [] I was zooming in to get as much detail as I could, I will try this tomorrow at knockhill! Thanks, Neil
  8. So Mini Motos Put your name here :- 1. Sti_Bandit And Honda Pilots Names Here :- 1. Sti_Bandit 2. 4Hero
  9. Thanks Colin, some great photos you got there too, nice work [] Taking photos of cars racing is a nightmare, this shot taken coming into the hairpin at knockhill last year really annoys me: Another split second and the whole car would have been in the shot.. Any tips?
  10. Cool, I think I'll go for the Canon for starters and see how it goes []
  11. Nice photos mate, good work! Whats the problem with the Canon then? I have spoken to a few professional photographers and they all highly recommend the eos? I was concidering buying one []
  12. Hi people, I have enjoyed photography since I was at school (which was a long time ago), and only recently got back into it. I am currently saving the pennies for a decent digital SLR, but until then have to put up with my sony cybershot. Does anyone else enjoy photography? Post your photo's if you do [] Here's a few of my favourites to date, which are also on my deviantart gallery:
  13. I wish you the best of luck mate, and have everything crossed for you [}].
  14. pilots are amazing (and you are harnessed in), found a place in fife that does them, and I would definately be up for some of this if anyone is interested [] edit: not that I am hijacking your thread Martin, just a thought..
  15. Sorry mate, not a bike fan. Everytime I go on a bike (and that includes push bikes) I fall off and cry [:'(] What about Honda Pilots?
  16. Nice one mate, looking good [Y]
  17. Do you mean you are buying alloys, but don't know what they are until someone fits them [8-)]
  18. It does take a while to get used to it, I was the same when I started. It's worth while going back to training to work on your aiming IMHO. When you 'nade you have around 5 seconds from pulling the pin to it exploding so beware [] Neil.
  19. Welcome to SIDC mate, nice motor you've got there! Are you going to Knockhill Tomorrow?
  20. pmsl, true, true.. Kids nowadays eh.
  21. Bridge crossing is quite good too, not played it for a while though.. You found the web site too then [] I gave up with the S/F training also and found the walkthrough. Give me a shout if you are playing and I'll join you. What's your nick? Mines is 4hero incase you wondered, original I know...
  22. Nice one Martin, the training is a bit tricky, especially the special forces part at the end []. What map do you play? I always play Weapons Cache [] 42 honor now []
  23. The 5th photo does it for me [Y]
  24. Morning people, You may know I chop cars in photoshop, well, here are a few links to sites I use for high resolution photos. Serious Wheels Autogaleria Dieselstation Fast-autos Fantasycars Allcarwallpapers Net Car Show Net car show is my favourite, no popups, silly ads, just pure high quality photos. Enjoy []
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