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Everything posted by jef

  1. gave 2 subaru enthusiats and builders of h6 builds a ride in mine to see how it compared? the silence and slight upturned corner of the passangers mouth, when iasked what do you think? saying mine is laggy as **** and his would hit (70mph) - ish, about a mile back - i knew they werent wanting to offend me but really thought mine was quick. - theres was in adifferent league quick lol humbled but happy with an honest appraisal tbh nice to get an honest opininion howevere - thanks
  2. add my uk200 please, classic obv and silver
  3. james im sure they must do plenty good jobs, otherwise wouldnt last long just in my situation they didnt. ive nothing against them, but just wouldnt recommend them to someone asking - due to my experience each to there own though
  4. good read, ive done the seat leon cupr r tuition day and it was an amazingly and fantastically enjoyable day. i now have some "own car" tuition to use on the scooby shortly the seat was ragged to within an inch of its life imo (until the instructor showed me how its really done) lol, but even at that it was 3-4 laps then a break - probably for mechanical sympathy id imagine, rather then driver sympathy but when you take own car it seems to be double the laps before break time - is that negotiable? am i mistaken? or picked up wrong, id rather 3-5 hard laps then a break in my road car ive got to drive home in
  5. avoid with a subaru, even with written and fully explained fitting instructions, they mannaged to do some very basic errors on mine evos maybe, scoobies no-no
  6. cheersforall the pointers, comments ect. i like the list, its all common snmese things, but in the excitrment of the day quite likley to forget something along the line. fuel was an issue, is it common practice to take a couple jerry cans then. and dont worry, my celine dion cds will be carefully stored in the glove box lol. and i was thinking 3-5 hard laps then off for a cool down?ive not used the brakes in anger so will need to play by ear as to how they perform through the day. let people know when get date sorted, and few other pics et along the way cheers
  7. few quick shots i got more when i get them
  8. just add, i can see this being quite a difficult car to learn on how to drive on a track, even with holding back with all the bends the boost being as it is, ill need to be thinking 2 turns ahead to make sure im in right gear. how have guys with experience got on there, you just have it constantly high revs? also how many laps of spritied driving, would be considered safe, i know long periods of high revs can result in increased risk of any damage. bear in mind ill realistically only be using 80% of the car, as i dont want to kill it. i find it hard to constantly wring an engine - id make a proper sh*te competitive driver, ive far too much mechanical sympothy lol. anyway my mrs got me some track tuition for christmas that ill need to use soon, in my own car
  9. cheers guys ill do my best to get along to as many as, possible. please introduce yourself as i know no-body lol took some pics on mrs phone to post, but pc neing weird and im struggling to transfer them onto it? not the best pics was just a few quick ones. if anyone can be arsed i can send via text to someone to try, pm mobile number, bak accont etails, pins ect lol? no hassle if cant just n offchance. out again tonight with mrs and wee boy, hes subaru daft at 4 y.o and loves it lol, mrs not so much still elated, but proper tired now. try respond with some points tomorw - 5 hours to work now lol cheers again people p.s i just cant comprehend how quick you guys with the monster power builds, could be. im struggling with grip a fair bit, lol.. feel free to take me on a 1/4 mile run in any if you want haha.
  10. my pc keeps flagging up this site, as having malware virus? - and if i vist my get a virus anyone else experiencing this?
  11. thanks guys, just home at this ungodly hour and up again in 2.5 for work, ouch but had to get it asap lol. put down about the 450miles home trip there, with the benefit of empty roads , bar all the roadworks and average speed cameras, but it really has surpassed all my expectations. ive been without power for soo long and thisll no doubt have an impact on how i veiw it - but that doest matter just now. initially had to get used to driving it, fiddling with bits and bobs just eating up the miles, once i felt comfortable i used it abit, just from 69.8mph in 6th. i though the cluth was fcked, as i heard the turbo spooling for a while before much happened. so had to back off, listen for noises, check for smoke, and gauges ect. then try again lol. this time held it, i never put foot right down, more of a progressive but still quick acceleration, and in6th at that speed its just over 2.5k rpm, so now its going to be laggy. but it pulled this time, and just got harder and harder - the power is relentless. when people use the term "like a train" this is exactly whats it like its incrediable, all the way up to 69.9mhp . so had a wee play up the road amusing myself, saw a shell and just popped in to top up v-power. and check oil ect. came out and in that funny forecourt like it looks absolutley stunning, yes there are blemishes, but my rose tinted specs didnt notice any of them lol. popped th bonnet and checked oil -all good. but the engine bay is really stunning for me. i just looked at it for a few minutes and didnt want to shut it away haha. ofcourse its not on a par with lots of the forum guys in certain aspects - but this is MINE lol - and its a fcking dream, couldnt be happier. anyway back onto mway - had a abit of a blast on slip road opening it up in 2nd, and 3rd and a tiny bit of fourth, and i was beaming like i just lost my virginity haha, there is lag - but ive never felt boost come in so hard, and thats what i wanted from this build. so next services off again and right back onto slip road for more of the same. im lucky if it kissed 5.5k rpm. next its cut off for home, a few miles of some twisties, roundabouts ect, so have more confidence in me and the car, used it a bit more. not another car to be see, up to 6k rpm in 2nd and3rd and it honestly feels like its trying to take off!! the wastgate sounds like its talking to me lol. but coming off a roundabout in 2nd had to back off, it felt like the wheels were just spinning and i wasnt going to be in contol much longer. in anything but absolute optimum conditions, its too powerful (hypothetically obviously). in even mild damp the boost is too hard to use AND I FOOKING LOVLE IT!! lol. for the guys running around 600bhp or even more, i just cant imagine how quick your cars are!! more tomorow when ive had a chance to dream about it. im at work tomorow until 8pm and fri again so pics will be hard, but ill try get some done. and for those interested i/cpipework from turbo is as it was on i think the last set of pics, sharpish bend, then kindof under headlamp, but towrds centre into i/c. the i/c is weak link at the moment, think it struggled to keep temps down when mapping - but thats for winter after ive had a shot of it. cant wait to get along to some events now - no laughing mind, only ever done 1 1/4 mile run and it blew a boost hose off during that the end
  12. well the day has finally come to say its ready!!!!! over the moon is an understatement lol. im actually going to have a subaru again, and after using my 1.4 tdci fiesta for so long im going to have to re-learn how to drive it lol. once home ill get shots of engine bay ect for all to see, and in the coming weeks either get to a dyno for a run or join a RR day if one is coming up soon? in the mean time ill be popping along to as many 1/4 mile days, shows as my work allows. hope to see some of you guys along the way
  13. boring update ecu back and in place, so booked in this week at SC to get tial wastegate issue sorted and hope to fcking god itll be back very soon lol
  14. great results i noticed the high speed fiesta lol, scary! no pics or vids floating around?
  15. np guys, mapping almost done, needed a change in wastgate spring motd and just about ready to roll
  16. definatley mate cant wait, hope to see some of you guys at events ths year
  17. cheers bud, agree thats what ill be trying to do with the car. enjoy it, that is. i cant think about the money tbh on a build like this, and i know ill never get even half of it back , but i was never under that illusion. its a hobby and therefore can kindof justify the expense (lol althought the wife doesnt think like that haha) the guys here have given invaluable advice along the way. which has been great - but at same time, i love to learn, maybe make mistakes for myself, for me its all part of an enjyable experience. hope you enjoy the read. cheers
  18. yip count me in too please pending car ok, work ect - but pencil me down
  19. just saw a mention elsewhere but for my uk six speed in my classic, with decent power bhp/lbft whats everyones recommendation on gearbox oil, and how often youd change it? cheers
  20. thanks for the reply, kinda hope be a whie before any big maintenace is required, eg cylinder head rebuilds ect is needed, ill do oil and filter, fuel filter, plug changes ect myself. and as said before its a low milage machine. any major strip downs/rebuilds i hope are a while away and will be returnd to builder to complete. ive got possibly one of the first new version simteks to be out there and mapped, with active knock control, and the mapper is the man involved in its development - so i think he will activate and use all the features he thinks relevant? hope anyway lol. although im sure i dont have a wideband sensor anyway tbh.
  21. thanks for the comments above, play satan I am going from a 420/430 classic so have some experience with moderatly powered subaru's. however this is my baby, dream car and so I will be taking my time to fully learn how it behaves and operates before even thinking of using the power. I will never ever put her in any danger, it will live a pampered life. I have enough top quality oil and filters to last me a lifetime and after recent embarrarsing experiences with local "specialists" I will be doing all the basic maintainance myself. Arch, I have got a track day booked where I plan to use the car a bit harder than is possible on the road. Its not going to be competative nor wll I be pushing it to its limit, just a chance to have some fun thats all. It will go to rr days, and quarter mile events and tbh is unlikley to see a track again. Knowing this would you still stand by your posts, I have no interface to read data, would I have to book a session with a mapper to look over the information then feedback results. I will jst have the basic gauges to moniter oil temp/pressure and boost pressure, no means of checking EGT, lambda, fuel pressuer, etc. Appreciate any further comments taken me bloody 3 attempts to write this out and post as pc kept disconnecting from internet!!! lol
  22. where do you guys typically go for rr events? anywhere local good for the subaru guys?
  23. mine back nest few weeks so defitley up for meets that arranged outwith working days be good to meet up with some guyys where do you typically go for runs or you just meet and blab for the night? whats a typical meet consist of?
  24. if its a second car get engine out and do some work, gives you time to save and can increase as you go, esp if planning on keeping everyday car then not really an option and id probably being looking at the cheapest secure fix tbh
  25. thanks for above comment mate - maybe sometimes i should just not mention what " i think ive heard" buts thats why i made sure to include the " dont quote me part" lol. anyway once ive got accurate information ill return and correct the it, cheers for taking the time to read and comment bud mrs got me some track day tuition for my birthday so ill be up at knockhill over coming months, and really hope to attend a few events this year, so please introduce yourselfs, so can put a face to names and thank those whove inputed, cheers
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