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About ac1867

  1. Was veeerrrryyyy cold. Cracking pics.
  2. Sorry I couldnt make it guys, I had to work yesterday. See you all soon though I'm sure. Andy
  3. I have used both S4U and Colin a few times and would recommend both, although S4U seem pricey. I have had a few runs done on the rollers at S4U and yes they use a big fan in front of the car to simulate air passing over the car as on the road. HTH Andy
  4. Cool, a 2 minute drive. I bet I'm still late though.
  5. I know that feeling, since re-map nothing but problems engine keeps cutting out so gonna try a new crank sensor as I have read plenty of others having the same problem due to a faulty one.
  6. 97 r reg do you no who that girl is driving the silver scooby is its got a roof scoop sounds grrrrate

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  7. Cool. Are you going for a standard rebuild or having a few choice extras?
  8. Ouch!! you got it back yet then?
  9. Hi.

    What year is your car, I'll keep my eye out.

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  10. Sorry I can't make this, my remap has left me more than skint. Worth it though
  11. i think i see you by the point i was in the silver an black sport

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  12. Just seen your car at collins still looks good
  13. Blimey, this came around fast , I should still be there, car not looking its best at the mo though, had to rush a couple of jobs to prep for re-map which is this Friday
  14. Coooool, what was the problem with it? And where did you get the work done? Andy
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