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About soundie

  1. Good News! Well 'news' anyway. The car sold yesterday! Stayed pretty local too which is nice. Grant - the dark blue 6 speed? yeah I remember that at Steve W's! Have you nothing now?
  2. Did you abandon the RB build? how did that end?
  3. Very Good man! What's happened to the forum? Its soo.. quiet!
  4. Cheers! its had a bit done to it, very roughly speaking (as I don't want this to look like an advert!) its 6 speed box, 330/330, hyperflow IC, baflled sump, hidden swirl pot, AP6 pots and brembos, R888's, AndyF mapped and everything else proper that should be there Here's a recent pic - its without its stripe any more IMG_5338 main2 by Roll Sound, on Flickr
  5. I used to hang about here back in the day.. so hello to those who remember me! Have things changed much in the past 4 years or so? The reason for my post is that I am selling up my car, and I always promised to offer it here to genuine scooby enthusiasts, but it looks as though I can't start a topic now unless I'm all paid up! I take it this means I'll be barred for the mere mention of the sale here? Please don't bar me! I used to be bonafide, honest! Mods - do you need me to pay up to talk sales? Chris.
  6. I wish I'd been there! I'm definitely going next sidc day. Scoobs been off the road for soooooo long!
  7. nice Ciaran!
  8. Hi Adam, Nice GT-R footage, I will own one one day, love it. Isn't that the chap who had the old Audi last time I was on track? He's got himself a gt-r now?? Chris.
  9. Have a blast guys, I wish I was going with. Been following on the trip thread. Looking forward to seeing some covert vids on return. Here's my vid of much covertness for some last minute 'RING'spiration I hope it's dry for you- good luck, take care. Chris.
  10. a gearset? well aye, thats a fairly important part.. even I know that. you car is going to be the perfect scooby by the sounds of things.
  11. i swear i thought it was a pay-and-display!
  12. Well, don't keep it to yourself!! whwatcha getting?? lol.. I was wondering what it remionded me of! thanks, that was bugging me ps. this picture below - I'm not giving up my day job for a career in graphics just yet :/
  13. Cheers for all the positive comments Those are some bold stripes you have on yours Andy! hmmm, I feel a photoshop request coming on! I think we have a solution!
  14. 6/4, I'm calling it even so far Hey Cathy there will always be the yellow nose! And the scruffy guy driving it
  15. Car was at a painters and so the stripe had to be removed. Now when I look at the car it looks hollow around the middle. Naked like. I can't seem to get used to it. I was going to leave it without the stripe, but it just looks like somethings missing, I think I might get another one. Have I developed some kind of sticker addiction?
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