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psyweb last won the day on June 28 2013

psyweb had the most liked content!


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About psyweb

  1. Sadly can't make this one :-(
  2. Can't make 30th July - on holiday!
  3. That was a great meeting! Some really nice cars and some guys chaps too! Thanks for sorting Mark!
  4. 1) Mark - Forester S/tb 2) #68 RB5 - Blob Sti 3) Psyweb - Hawk STi Spec-D PPP 4) Dibs - Hawk STi 5) Richard - RX8 6) SAS RS - mk2 Escort - Cosworth turbo powered 7) S6 ROR - TVR Sagaris 8) TheMacDaddy - Nissian 370Z Black Edition
  5. TBH westra I haven't pushed it. But it's going in for a service in a few weeks, so I suspect they'll pick it up then. If I can get it fixed I will; happy to cut them a deal if it speeds things up too. Otherwise I'll be making a lithium grease purchase!!!
  6. Yeah, my 2006 Hwak STi is covered with one of these and I have a mate who used for work for subaru. The struts aren't covered I don't believe, but the garage might cover it for you under the Sale of Goods Act. In effect there's double cover, the Subaru Warranty and the place you got it from. If you cut the place a deal, they might help you out: "If I put in £200 for the diag of the issue and some of the parts, will you pay for the rest of the work?" Dingles in Norwich were excellent to me when I thought I needed to make a claim. Goes without saying... but if someone knows better I'm happy to stand corrected :-)
  7. 1)Mark - Forester S/tb 2) #68 RB5 - Blob Sti 3) Psyweb - Hawk STi Spec-D PPP
  8. Joined :-)
  9. Keep an eye out and help promote. Mark is always leading the charge but we could really do with more people to help build some momentum!! I'll be at the next one!
  10. Hey mate, yeah, sorry I couldn't make it. Car isn't too bad, got a thread in tech on it. She'll be sorted soon :-)
  11. Can't do tonight, or tomorrow. Motor is dead :-(
  12. Maybe it is just us 3, I don't see many scoobies out and about on the roads around cambs these days :-( Come on peeps... prove us wrong!! :-D
  13. I might be able to make it :-)
  14. Defo keen for a beer :-) Don't know about shows or anything, but could be good fun!
  15. Sorry I couldn't make it chaps. Next time!
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