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m@tt untimate STImulation

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Everything posted by m@tt untimate STImulation

  1. want to upgrade as mine is leaking cheers
  2. they arnt good love the fullly loaded meal tho and a bbq roler
  3. please state price no need for postage as its local bigsti8 rep.scoop £55 colected
  4. not good, do they realise how much they cost others
  5. as far as I'm aware it is possible don't know for definite sorry
  6. anyone got a set?? cheers matt
  7. looks like its going to packed lol i cant make it
  8. 1) Jamessti 2) M@t not anymore no petrole to burn :-( may jump in wid shep??? 3) Granby 4) gary may............if cars ready!! 5) scoobytibs ( lager permitting) (Blowout) 6)bobsta 7) Garth W (Type RA's 1st tunnel run on UK shores!) 8) Scoots & BigJay 9) Yogi 10) Dunks 11) Steve 12) col_2 13) Sh3p
  9. 1) Jamessti 2) M@t
  10. i need one of those
  11. name a date and time :-)
  12. i will let gaz explain but no car 2day sorry m8 suprised someone (The SIDC Muppet-O-Tron has corrected your lazy use of the English language. Please use English and not text talk on these Forums) didnt end up witha browken jaw
  13. happy birthday
  14. gary you will have your old 1 back to its former glory or a shiney new 1. hope there offer is good!!!
  15. BLUE V LTD good to hear it was a simple fix!! i thought you had major problems. bet are relieved!!! the chances of col2 actually having the pipe!! what a result
  16. can you do the whole door cards?????
  17. unfortunately a mazda stopped for an idiot pedestrian very short notice and there was no time to stop despite gray's best efforts. everyone involved is OK so thats an upside
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