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About WelshScooby

  1. Hello guys/girls as you may know in this area i used to work for a local Subaru Main dealer where i became the Master Technician.. Well time has moved on now and i work for a local 4x4 Specailist now.. Well cut the story short im hunting down a project Subaru turbo or non to bo made into a rally car for stage and road rally!!! Please please if you know somebody with a damaged, project or just one parked in a drive away that hasnt moved for a while let me know and i will hunt the owner down please help
  2. as a mechanic and used to be working for a local main dealership.. Ive had a few run ins with Graham Walker cars... And what ive seen and heard from scooby owners that have had there. I would double check and check again!!!
  3. I've changed me number by the way if you require it then message me.
  4. Yea i know french but its a cheap run about and insurance aint bad.. helps me save for the all important scooby.. Very nice looking scooby mate, i be keepin me eye out for it when out.... if c a green saxo vtr on an S reg flash then its me lol.. if need anythin for scooby or jobs doin let me know.
  5. Hi clive, sounds like you have a great scooby. Due to changing job etc i nt ad funds 2 get me dream motor at moment but hopefully in the future, im stuck with a saxo vtr at moment. Well hope 2 c ur subaru swn and if need anything just left me know. Daz
  6. Hello Justin, I'm still after that all important subaru!! Series McRae very nice motor only came across one of them when at threeways. On ther servicing front i can offer all sorts of services. general maintenice including small and large size servicing inc cambelts i also do repairs and modifications. Also do condition checks i.e if buying. If your after any service then please just let me know. You can either email me at Kirto01@hotmial.co.uk or phone me on 07912378416. Thanks Daz
  7. great pictures mate!
  8. Hi there guys just dropping a message about the Subaru work i do in my spare time so if your after any help or work doing on ur scooby please drop me a message
  9. thanks mate, have texted the number.
  10. i hope 2 do very soon mate. if you hear of a cheap impreza turbo or not for sale even if work needed then please get in contact would be very aprechated. thanks
  11. Hey guys just thought would leave a message. I'm not really new on here been coming on this site since i started to work for Subaru at my local dealer, worked there for 4 years so know the do's n don'ts n all Subaru tricks. Well have left there now and i'm a Mobile Service Engineer for a Floor Cleaning Machine company, so missing the subaru noises n the driving of them so decided to buy my self one. As won't be used much and not got alot of NCB i'm looking at older turbo or non turbos so can afford the insurance till get some more NCB. Found alot of them just need to look at them. Also i do subaru servicing and work in my spare time so if need anythin let me know as i still get a discount from the local dealer on genuine parts (Just drop me a message) Thanks Daz
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